I'm kinda nooby at casucs, so help would be appreciated. Is it possible to make a water bucket casuc without RP2? If so, could you link me to a design that has picture that my dumb self can look at? Thanks
Ok, thanks for the answers. I asked because I play on a server without RP. So I'll just stick to ice CASUC designs.

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I'm kinda nooby at casucs, so help would be appreciated. Is it possible to make a water bucket casuc without RP2? If so, could you link me to a design that has picture that my dumb self can look at? Thanks
Why not use RP2?
Waterbucket-CASUC is only possible with RP, unless you use BC and Additional Pipes.
Waterbucket-CASUC is only possible with RP, unless you use BC and Additional Pipes.
yeah.. it'd be seriously evil without redpower.
like at least 2 advanced wooden pipes extracting things with a couple redstone engines each.
you'd need an advanced insertion to put the new buckets in.but the real sticking point is the filling of the buckets. Only way I know of that's fast enough is a redpower deployer or two.
Only way I know of that's fast enough is a redpower deployer or two.
At least 5 Deployers are needed for a good Bucket-CASUC, and i use 8.
At least 5 Deployers are needed for a good Bucket-CASUC, and i use 8.
ouchie. never done a bucket CASUC before, not sure if I really want to either. They sound a heck of a lot more painful and volatile. -
ouchie. never done a bucket CASUC before, not sure if I really want to either. They sound a heck of a lot more painful and volatile.Not, if you have a good Blueprint. jppk1 made a good one, which i have a bit improved to fix the Redstonebug of the Reactor.
Not, if you have a good Blueprint. jppk1 made a good one, which i have a bit improved to fix the Redstonebug of the Reactor.
i use also jppk1's 1840 EU/t Bucket CASUC. For your convenience this is the link: http://forum.industrial-craft.…page=Thread&threadID=5704