Info Here:…st-minecraftdev-on-esper/
Not much to say about this honestly. Just bringing in the news. Sort of.
Info Here:…st-minecraftdev-on-esper/
Not much to say about this honestly. Just bringing in the news. Sort of.
Sooo.... Should AL or one of the other head IC2 Devs be trying to get in on the discussion? I mean, I think we are one of the larger mods, they would be representing a large group of players.
If not AL or IC2 Dev then what about the forge Dev's?
Forge its more than likely to have his own spot in the talk, i mean everyone uses forge.
Ic2 may also get a spot too but im not too sure.
Not that I actively code on IC2 at the moment, or have kept up on what forge and modloader and everyone is doing 100% but I guess that timeframe would probably be open for me, if none of the other devs want to
Not that I actively code on IC2 at the moment, or have kept up on what forge and modloader and everyone is doing 100% but I guess that timeframe would probably be open for me, if none of the other devs want to
Food for thought
I will probably have time myself, as well Though IC isn't "much more" then a simple Forge-user. As long as they listen to MCF, everything is already said ^^'
I will probably have time myself, as well
Though IC isn't "much more" then a simple Forge-user. As long as they listen to MCF, everything is already said ^^'
Alright, well unless you uber want me to attend, I probably wont. I honestly doubt anything productive or useful ever comes out as a vanilla API, long live Forge! I somehow doubt they would appreciate all of my sny comments directed to humiliate them anyway
The only thing im only actually expecting from that API its making installation of mods a walk in the park, for the rest there is always forge
The only thing im only actually expecting from that API its making installation of mods a walk in the park, for the rest there is always forge
I wasnt aware that installing mods was anymore than a walk in the park.
Oh yes, do you remember the good ol' times where people actually had to shuffle around files, copying them into per-readme-mentioned locations, and regulary kept eating up their jar?
Good times...
But yeah, the API will probably just add some pretty basic functions. Of course, a full import of MCF into vanilla would be extremely awesome... but that's unlikely to happen.
And even then, with MC's update "speed" there would still be a continous need for a community-based platform.
Though, the more features vanilla incorporates from forge, the less work for our modding devs :3
I wasnt aware that installing mods was anymore than a walk in the park.
It is, but several thousands(Or millions) Users beg to differ.
Ah yes, I do remember the good old days. People complain about how hard it is to mod, and yet, once you have a jar setup, for the most part all you have to do is drag and drop into the mods folder, and depending on what mods, mess with some configs, but that's usually one time only. I remember when you had to put EVERYTHING in the jar, yes the days Alblaka talked about. Oh yes, they complain so much, but it really is a walk in the park compared to what it was. Though I still have friends that rely on me to mod for them.
The first time was hard, so it is with everything else.
Having to manage you mods on the client and server took time, but it made playing the mods funnier!
Forge did make quite some improvements in the past weeks, and it will hang around quite long, even after the API was made.
How long can they keep updating the API for the growing needs?
How long can Mojang afford to pay the Bukkit devs, which surely want to get home and away from Sweden some time too!