Recipe messed up

  • Someone added a alternate recipe to the OV scanner a few days ago. Not only does this recipe not work, but I think that someone messed up the original recipe as well.

    The original recipe uses insulated copper cable and not 2x insulated gold cable:
    :Rubber Trampoline::Gold Dust:
    :Gold Dust::Advanced Circuit::Gold Dust:
    :Cable::OD Scanner::Cable:
    (ignore the rubber trampoline :D )

    I don't have an account, and I doubt that I have the skills to correct this one.

    Would someone be so kind to correct this?

    Obs: We're playing IC² v1.95b. If this is the problem, and the recipes are correct for any updated version, I apologize.

  • Someone = Me.

    The alternate Recipe works, I overlooked the fact that the battery MUST be charged.

    Changed and updated.

    Recipe for 1.95b uses ins. Copper cable.
    Recipe for 1.97 uses 2x ins. Gold cable.

    Alblaka says:

    "People using their intellect in attempts to discuss other people into the ground could be considered less intellectual then people using their intellect for something beneficial :3"