illegal minecraft server with mods

  • I would like to give you some information about a really popular finnish minecraft server, called They are opening / have opened a illegal minecraft server with mods. They are currently sharing 4 different minecraft.jar files as public with the mods and they are calling it their "modpack".
    You can just click and download their modpack from their teamspeak 3 server (, its the ip to their teamspeak. They are telling that its their modpack.

    Hope you will do something to this situation.

    Theres a link to from their teamspeak.

    Its a link under name "Murocraft rpg" where you can find their illegal modpack.

  • This is more of an issue for mojang if they're distributing the game itself.

  • This is more of an issue for mojang if they're distributing the game itself.

    Not true, there distributing IC2 as well, they are both independent works, the only difference is one relies on the other.
    Its equally and issue for both Mojang and for the IC2 Devs, Its doutful that Mojang would take legal action, from what ive seen they would rather focus on Dev instead of squashing pirates.

    And Fyi: I used to play on a Illegal version before i fell in love with MC, and thats also true for alot of people.

    Alblaka says:

    "People using their intellect in attempts to discuss other people into the ground could be considered less intellectual then people using their intellect for something beneficial :3"

    • Official Post

    Well, one of their guys contacted me via PM and actually that's the sole reason I noticed THIS thread to begin with.
    According to them, they had an issue during a update/restart of their TS server, messing up the access restrictions. The channel shown in the screenshot was meant to be password-protected with closed access to beta-testers and developers of said mod(pack) only.
    As such, there's only minor harm done and I do not intend to bother much with it ^^

    Just clearing this up, in the unlikely case somebody uses the search function to look for a similar issue in this regard.