Bug: Glitched Textures/Generator Not Giving Energy

  • IC2:Version 1.9.7Hello I am having problems with my textures on my server here's a picture of it:
    And in my console this was rapidly spamed when a generator is attached to a machine

    [IC2] EnergyNet.emitEnergyFrom: ic2.commnon.TitleEntityGenerator@50337ff4 is not added to the enet

    If SMP: Modded server or Bukkit server?

    Alblaka says:

    "People using their intellect in attempts to discuss other people into the ground could be considered less intellectual then people using their intellect for something beneficial :3"

  • i have the same probleme it seems like the texture is misplaced or something the front of the generator appear at the bottom samething with macerator and no energy output im on a modified server maybe its forge? i have

  • Forge 3.3.7 is the recommended version for IC2, try downgrading

    Alblaka says:

    "People using their intellect in attempts to discuss other people into the ground could be considered less intellectual then people using their intellect for something beneficial :3"

  • I tried dowgrading to 3.3.7 but I cant because forestry needs 3.3.8 but in SSP there is no probleme at all with the machine and running on so im clueless

    edit: well just tested more stuff and everything in IC2 doesnt work all the texture appear sideway and no energy is produce or sent. The only way I can power stuff is by using a battery in the gen to the other machine

  • I'm having the same problem. some of the addon generators are working properly but none of the machines or primary generators are emitting or receiving power along with having orientation problems.
    I have also tried downgrading my forge to the oldest version that will allow my setup to function

    EDIT: forgot to mention this is in smp. everything works fine in ssp
    EDIT: fixed a typo

  • my money is on you guys use bukkit or tekkit and you have a multiworld plugin installed. Correct? Cuz that's why it's doing it. IC2 doesn't listen for world loads. For some reason it loads worlds and then the plugins reload it and then IC2 doesn't realize it needs to reload the textures. Its a problem with the IC2 code since nothing else does this. Try it yourself. Create an advancedMachine (T2 level machine) it will properly orient itself. The level 2 furnaces do not...why...because it's IC2. Disable the multiworld plugin you have and it will work. Or if you're like me, you have to live with it because you have to have the multiworld plugin installed because it makes life 100% times easier because you don't have to clog up your main world with stuff and you want your users to be able to have custom worlds or whatever base minecraft doesn't allow for. This is why we use mods and plugins. They keep saying "we don't support bukkit or tekkit" yet the mod is in tekkit by default.

    Eventually they'll fix IC2 so it won't try to load worlds or something so the multiworld plugin doesn't mess it up. In the meantime you'll have to live with it. Wire your machines so they work while facing down is how i've gotten around this.

  • my money is on you guys use bukkit or tekkit and you have a multiworld plugin installed. Correct? Cuz that's why it's doing it. IC2 doesn't listen for world loads. For some reason it loads worlds and then the plugins reload it and then IC2 doesn't realize it needs to reload the textures. Its a problem with the IC2 code since nothing else does this. Try it yourself. Create an advancedMachine (T2 level machine) it will properly orient itself. The level 2 furnaces do not...why...because it's IC2. Disable the multiworld plugin you have and it will work. Or if you're like me, you have to live with it because you have to have the multiworld plugin installed because it makes life 100% times easier because you don't have to clog up your main world with stuff and you want your users to be able to have custom worlds or whatever base minecraft doesn't allow for. This is why we use mods and plugins. They keep saying "we don't support bukkit or tekkit" yet the mod is in tekkit by default.

    Eventually they'll fix IC2 so it won't try to load worlds or something so the multiworld plugin doesn't mess it up. In the meantime you'll have to live with it. Wire your machines so they work while facing down is how i've gotten around this.

    Actually I'm using the vanilla server jar with forge and mystcraft installed in the jar.

  • Actually I'm using the vanilla server jar with forge and mystcraft installed in the jar.

    Does it have multiworld capability? We figured this was the problem because it appears that IC2 is loading the world on it's own and then ignoring any other world load requests after the fact. IE when your mystcraft mod/plugin (whatever it is) runs.

    Do all machines spin even ones from advancedmachines4 by any chance? If you haven't tried this, do so and see if those machines orient properly. They should work fine if its the same issue I'm having.

  • I'm not sure what you mean by multiworld capability, but Mystcraft is a mod based on Myst Canon. it adds the ability to write custom worlds that are saved as different dimensions. the limit is somewhere around 1k dimensions i think.

    just checked the advanced machines. the induction furnace is improperly oriented like the other primary machines. the singularity compressor and the rotary macerator are both displaying as advanced machine blocks while the centrifuge extractor is a pale purple cube. all of the interfaces function properly and the machines are operational... assuming you can get power into them.

    EDIT:the addon machins sometimes assume the correct texture when a neighboring block is destroyed. they still do not function though

  • So any1 got a fix for that or im stuck not being able to use IC2 i cant dowgrade forge under 3.3.8 or forestry doest work...

    love to get some help here i use mystcraft, buildcraft, redpower, forestry, ironchest

  • I haven't seen any news on this one. it is really annoying not being able to use the machines.

    A workaround is to charge batteries and power the machines directly. also the Forestry Bio generator emits IC2 EU properly.
    another is to use the transformers addon. it's pneumatic generators are working properly.

    EDIT: the machines wont accept external power, but the generators i listed will still emit to a storage block.

  • Heres another image and a mod list on my server. I hope it will help resolve the issue.

    Mystcraft 0.8.6b

    Mods folder:
    RP2 pr5b2
    IC2 1.97
    Additional Buildcraft Objects
    Additional Pipes
    Code Chicken Core
    Ender storage
    Advanced Machines Original v1.5 for IC2 1.97
    Compact Solars for IC2 1.97
    Modular Force Field system for IC2 1.97
    Transformers for IC2 1.97

    The clients are launched using multimc and these additional mods:
    Mods folder:
    Inv Tweaks
    forestry rp2 and railcraft addons for NEI

  • Don't know if this helps much but I watched a couple of Direwolf20's latest SMP videos and they seem to have IC2 working O.K. with Mystcraft in SMP. Now, it is a game of mostly mod. authors (which is why I've watched some) so they are likely running custom versions, but if you can get one of them to reply, they might have some suggestions. IIRC Player is an IC2 developer playing in that game.

    Bandos81: You list RP2; Will a BlockBreaker break your MSFU free?

    You could try powering your miner with a compact solar. Of course it would only run during daylight hours. Personally, I still wish the IC2 Miner would run off a Lapitron crystal.

  • I noticed that too. I'm Kind of envious.

    No the block breaker works as normal on the machines giving a machine block.

    if there is a working release i hope it comes out soon.

  • Does anyone know of a fix for this? this bug is about a game breaking as they come, short of a crash.

    I have downgraded forge as far as I can and have tried the usual method of breaking and replacing a nearby cable(broke what i had working). If anyone has a suggestion I would love to hear it.

    EDIT: i managed to get it working but this bug needs to get fixed soon.

  • you should ALWAYS use forge recommended version, not the "latest" as bugs, like this, occur.

    also its not really a multi world issue, its only there forge version problem, as seen here: http://www.youtube.com/playlis…5ED195FA49E8&feature=plcp

    a IC2 tester, and youtuber, is playing with a group of coders and some from forge and all sorts of mods. and he is in his own "dimension" and works 100% fine with ic2 machines, redpower etc...