Mass Fabricators use so much power it would be nice to be able to turn them off when you need to conserve power. I used to do this indirectly by using a switch before the Mass Fabricator in IC but there are no switches in IC2. So I would suggest that the Mass Fabricator default to being on but when applying red stone be able to switch it on and off.

Suggestion: Mass Fabricator Off Switch
You can achieve a similar effect in IC2 by switching a storage block or transformer before the mass fab. But I second the idea of being able to attach levers and making redstone power deactivate mass fabricators directly.
You can achieve a similar effect in IC2 by switching a storage block...
True but this method only works with the storage block until it is full and then it will start outputting again. In which case you are still going to be bleeding energy.
Though I didn't realize until now that you are right and applying red stone to a transformer would have a similar effect as the switch did. Though that does complicate matter quite a bit. It would require more resources for the transformers and would make the electrical wiring and red stone wiring a mess. I would still hope for a way to be able to directly shut off a power hungry machine such as the Mass Fabricator.
True but this method only works with the storage block until it is full and then it will start outputting again. In which case you are still going to be bleeding energy.
Though I didn't realize until now that you are right and applying red stone to a transformer would have a similar effect as the switch did. Though that does complicate matter quite a bit. It would require more resources for the transformers and would make the electrical wiring and red stone wiring a mess. I would still hope for a way to be able to directly shut off a power hungry machine such as the Mass Fabricator.
Uhm, Personally I dont see that as a problem. Because it means you simply lack the storage to store the amount of power you are producing. Oh look, I have maxed out Power, Id rather it disapper in a puff of smoke rather than go into my mass fabricator.
It may be bleeding energy, but only when it is full, and then, it also is bleeding that energy into a mass fabricator, so I don't see the problem.
Uhm, Personally I dont see that as a problem. Because it means you simply lack the storage to store the amount of power you are producing. Oh look, I have maxed out Power, Id rather it disapper in a puff of smoke rather than go into my mass fabricator.
It may be bleeding energy, but only when it is full, and then, it also is bleeding that energy into a mass fabricator, so I don't see the problem.
No that is not true. Let me use the following example to show this: If you have batbox 1 (which collects solar energy) outputting into batbox 2 and batbox 3 at the same time. Now say batbox 2 is directly attached to my extremely power hungry mass fabricator and nothing else. Batbox 3 is powering the rest of my workshop. Now if I were to cut the wire leading from batbox 2 to the mass fabricator, batbox 2 would fully charge and then no longer be a drain on batbox 1. Letting all of the remaing power in batbox 1 go to batbox 3. Now granted this is a simple example but it does show that turning off the mass fabricator (in this case by very crudely just cutting the wire) you can save energy that you would want to go to some place else. This would be ideal if you were to say go down into the mine for a couple days and let the mass fabricator use the extra energy rather than it be wasted and then when you come up cut off the energy supply to the mass fabricator so that you can use your machines to process your ore.
I haven't installed IC2 just yet, so I'm not sure it will work, however, in IC you could just hook a sticky piston to a cable to make a shut-off switch (I did this because I wanted to control when a capacitor was charging or emitting directly and was not sure of another way to do it).
I haven't installed IC2 just yet, so I'm not sure it will work, however, in IC you could just hook a sticky piston to a cable to make a shut-off switch (I did this because I wanted to control when a capacitor was charging or emitting directly and was not sure of another way to do it).
Can't in IC2, because cables have tile entities now.
Although I think I read something about a mod that lets pistons push tile entities, your mileage may vary. But I've written in the change to let us turn mass fabs off with redstone (and to place switches directly on them, of course), if Alblaka okays this feature it should be able to go in with the next release.
Pretty sure pistons dont work on wires anymore.
I would really like to see a simple switch block that only lets power pass when NOT powered or in other words block current flow when powered. ( I say not powered because it makes redstone torch indicators easier to wire. ie. dont need to invert it for the torch.)
You can currently do this with transformers, but you need two if you only want a switch. Its kind of wasteful in terms of crafting resources and space.
But if damage from high voltage does get implemented as planned, this will be a necessity if you want to be able to work on the lines without taking damage. Leaky MFSUs will be dangerous.
Yeah, I had a suspicion that wires contained extra data now, and that it wouldn't be easily possible (without additional mods). Only other suggestion is splitting your power before the mass fabricator and leaving it at the end of a chain, then again with the new power distribution system that might not be feasible either? I sure am living up to my name right now. Either way sorry my suggestion didn't help, but I'm sure this issue will be considered. However, I do believe the mass fabricator is intended to be a major drain on your power, to the extent of possibly warranting its own power system, at least then you know it will only work for as long as your non-renewable sources last, if that's what you choose to use.
But I've written in the change to let us turn mass fabs off with redstone (and to place switches directly on them, of course), if Alblaka okays this feature it should be able to go in with the next release.
Thanks for putting in the time to add the code. Here is hoping Alblaka gives the ok.