I have to much fun witch IC2 so I wish to say thank
you to the mod' creators and show my little power
station. So I would like to present my
first reactor made upon 2 additional mods and they are RedPower2 and
Buildcraft. From RP2 I needed bundled cable feature mostly for deliver multi
signal to the core. Pipes from BC looks very useful to deliver some cooling stuff to the
reactor, but I don't have enough time to lay it yet. Of course I will upgrade this soon to the more performance design,
but I need to build good clock with auto switch on/off feature for
security at more risky reactor'
Ok, lets see:
First I wont to use 6 chambers but when I figured
out it isn't possible to connect redstone signal (for control) throughout to the
chamber and the reactor will react only when it is connected directly then I have
to change plans to use 5 chambers. The area is covered by 3 depth reinforced
stone wall in cube 13x13x13 minus 7x7x7 inside area (for more space for my
visits inside) and its gives over 1800 blocks total (if I made to risky
configuration of reactor it should help don't to loose too much).
There is some wiring stuff around reactor, the
switch ON signal comes from control room by green wire, here it is passing
around reactor at 2 wooden blocks and the signal is backing to the control room
throughout red wire for signalize status of reactor. If the reactor will get 300
heat its possibility to burn out wooden blocks and break switch ON circuit witch
is resulting turn on redstone torch automatically (it is OFF when reactor is
allowed to work). This same circuit is switching flooding the reactor and I
will replace it by pipes witch cooling stuff for not so far future.
There is my first control room to get fun witch it.
From left is: switch on/off lever and status lamp (from RedPower 2) to signalize
my choice, heat safety lamp, connecting power lever to allow send reactor'
power to the main network, lamp for power' flowing status, and last one is
alert switching on automatically when it is time to replace uranium on the
reactor (when reactor isn't produce any power) witch small buzzer
and 12 MFSU batteries connected to serial link
(crafting it was my hard pain cuz they are a little to expensive at my villager'
develop). Lamps are shining on green when they are full (10M EU each) except
first one who has blue color for signalize all battery pack are charging (it is
blinking very nice all the time) and thanks to it is first on the row then it
give back all power to the last one on the packet and will turn off as last one
- if so, it is resulting to stop the reactor for prevent waste
... and I really enjoy building this