And what would scrarch help me/modders? btw I can cobe the most impotet things of Computercraft (lua)

Rocket Science IC2-based Takeover IC2 [103]Needs Friendly Helpers
Would be nice to have the source code
@scrach, is it really that uncommon word in English?
Sratch is WAY too easy for an tutorial i played with it and... its simpler then computercraft programming!
I figured that it is a good starting point for beginners, but if you can write lua, I recommend using to get an idea of what writing in java is like.
crazycrafter you got post
can you attch rs-src here?
If anyone eles has an Rocket-Science-SRC then pm me or if you can post it here
the source is attached to the first post
not seeing any .java file on the RS
Crazycrafter that isn't the src!
Crazycrafter do u have another src? WITH .java inside?
you schould, you modded it right?
fixed, i forgot to re-add the source .java files after an old update.
I might try to get this updated when I have the time to.
Given how old it is, and given GT (and ICBM!) replaces tons of its stuff in a less OP-way, you could redo it entirely as well, because tons of features are now useless/senseless/OP/old fashioned.
Given how old it is, and given GT (and ICBM!) replaces tons of its stuff in a less OP-way, you could redo it entirely as well, because tons of features are now useless/senseless/OP/old fashioned.
Some people might want it just because they liked its old fasionedness -
Some people might want it just because they liked its OP-ness.
True story bro
True story bro
Not to mention that some people may still like the good 'ol mod, ya now. -
True story bro
FYI, that's one of the reasons I want it -
Me to
(waiting for nearly 2 years :/)
Well, I know that I'm not very famous, and I don't want to make you hope for nothing, but I'm learning Java, and as soon as I can code well, I'll let you know if I retake the mod (it did really interest me =) ). Don't hope too much, because I'm at school, and I do not have as much time as I would want to...