How often does it happen to you, that you try to just rotate your full MFSU, and then you dismantle it due to a Lagspike?
I just want to suggest a Rotation-Only-mode for the Wrench to prevent that shit, which happens pretty often. And no, that accidently dismantling is definetly NOT a failure from human Side, its 100% Lagbased and happens even to the best Computers.
Large Sidenote:
I saw lastly a Suggestion to make Ironfences able to slide on them downwards, like in Firedepartments, but before someone was even able to post a Reply, Alblaka seemingly misunderstood it (no wonder by that Grammar) and closed the Thread immidietly. So whats was so bad about sliding downwards on nonmagnetized Ironfences?
EDIT: I just Doublederped.
1st: I forgot about ALT-Holding to change the Wrenchrotationmode
2nd: I didnt know about shiftholding for sliding down an Ironfence