I was working on some notes, equations, and other random IC2 stuff by just using the Wiki when I noticed that some basic information was missing. like the macerater, extractor, and the compressor all don not show EU used per operation. and none of the machines show base time per operation. and some machines don not even say if they use upgrades or not. I know seeing if it takes upgrades or not is easy as using the block, it is just not on the wiki.

Missing machine information
- Termanater13
- Closed
Are you using a different wiki or something? All EU costs are shown for every machine, it is labeled input, this is the required input needed to power the machine, it doesn't say the base time needed but that can be figured out very easily by taking the input EU required, dividing it by the EU/t next to it, and dividing the number there by 20 to get the exact amount of seconds for each operation, you do however raise a point with the upgrades.
Are you using a different wiki or something? All EU costs are shown for every machine, it is labeled input, this is the required input needed to power the machine, it doesn't say the base time needed but that can be figured out very easily by taking the input EU required, dividing it by the EU/t next to it, and dividing the number there by 20 to get the exact amount of seconds for each operation, you do however raise a point with the upgrades.
it shows EU/t when in use just not how much EU is needed per operation for some items. per operation in only on the eletric fernice, recycler, and induction fernice. not the other machines. -
it shows EU/t when in use just not how much EU is needed per operation for some items. per operation in only on the eletric fernice, recycler, and induction fernice. not the other machines.Are you certain? As far as I can see, every machine except the canning machine and mass fabricator(I'm going to say this is a special case) is covered
Are you certain? As far as I can see, every machine except the canning machine and mass fabricator(I'm going to say this is a special case) is covered
for the macerator all I can see max input EU use and storage. not how much EU it tacks to macerate something, but how much it uses per tick
for the macerator all I can see max input EU use and storage. not how much EU it tacks to macerate something, but how much it uses per tick
It says next to input 800 (2 EU/T), 800 is the amount of EU required to macerate something, 2 EU/T is how fast it can burn through the 800 EU requirement. With some basic math of the kind I mentioned earlier you can see that it takes 20 seconds to macerate one item, is there something confusing about this?
so what you are saying each machine only stores one operation worth of EU in its internal battery? because the macerator stores 800 EU I see nothing saying it uses 800 EU per operation.
so what you are saying each machine only stores one operation worth of EU in its internal battery? because the macerator stores 800 EU I see nothing saying it uses 800 EU per operation.
The input is the EU it uses per operation. Feel free to test it out, I just did and it used up the entire internal storage of 800 EU to macerate one item
The input is the EU it uses per operation. Feel free to test it out, I just did and it used up the entire internal storage of 800 EU to macerate one item
I see that it does use all 800, but I think that should be clarified so it says it uses all 800 per operation.
I see that it does use all 800, but I think that should be clarified so it says it uses all 800 per operation.It pretty much says that already, if you checked it with all of the other machines, you would see that in every case (except for the canning machine) the input is correct in both the amount needed to run as well as the EU/T used
If you want to see the stats of a Machine then install NEI (Not Enough Items) and download the IC²-Plugin.
If you then hover your Mouse above the red Lightningbolt you'll see all the stats of the Machine.
BTW if you click that Bolt then you see all the Maceration/Extraction/Compression Recipes, what is very helpfull if you wanna find all the Recipes.
I see that it does use all 800, but I think that should be clarified so it says it uses all 800 per operation.
It can actually store 831EU according to the NEI-plugin.
Yes, 800 plus the excess from a 32 EU packet. But it stops requesting power if it's at or above 800 EU.