Craftable saplings

  • I think it would be very practical and realistic if you could craft saplings.
    It would be something like this: (@ for leaves, cause there is no image for that, :Rubber Log: for wood, and _ for nothing, cause the wood goes to the left if it isnt there)

    @ @ @
    @ :Rubber Log: @
    __:Rubber Log:__

    You should use the appropriate wood and leaves for the corresponding sappling, and maybe 2 additional :Resin: in the open corners if you want to craft rubber sapplings, to make that a líttle more expensive.

    If didn't make any mistakes in the english, im awesome. if i did, what do you expect of me, im Dutch! 8o

  • Hmm, that's true, hadn't thought of that.
    If its still a bit allive, maybe you could feed it a little bit:

    @ @ @
    @ :Rubber Log: @
    :Water Cell: :Rubber Log: :Water Cell:

    Using hydration cells would be better, but yet again: no image of that.

  • I don't see the need for such a recipe. If you have leaves, well, you'll have enough saplings! If anything, maybe a UUM recipe, but wood with leaves? I don't think that makes sense or is needed, sorry.

  • Also this is not GardeningCraft v3234.123 :P

    Kind of need to give a reason for why it should exist if you ever want the suggestion to succeed...

  • well if you put a tree branch in a pot it will grow root, it is reasonable.


    ...its not like i have an idea on how Alblaka mind works...

    It has tiny stupid what below?... A RATING SYSTEM! here goes my face :Advanced Furnace: cmon it is even transparent you can't be serious.

  • This is just stupid. Crafting Sappling with UUM, okay, because UMM is like something magic (but belonging to the science) that allows you to craft whatever you want, so it can create Bacteria/Cells and a lot of Livnig cells = 1 sappling. But how would you create LIFE from dead things ? And by CRAFTING ? Wow, you're probably amazing with your hands, if you already did it.
    And I simply can't understand why you should need this whe sapplings are so comon that they are used as fuel ...
    You really want some sapplings and you're ready to trade Wood for ? Take your chainsaw and cut an entire Forest, you'll get the 2 + Leaves + Apple!

    Soon with Molten Salt Reactors, right ? :D

  • If you have leaves, why can't you just place them and break them to get saplings?

    Disappointed with the bugs and nerfedness of AtomicStryker Corp's Advanced Machines, and the unupdatedness of Snyke's Enterprises?
    Need low-lag renewable power?
    Come to ImmTech Intragalactical this thread for free UUM!

    Note: UUM may stand for Unnerfed Unbuggy Updated Machines and may not be actual UUM. The extra U was lost due to a bit error.
    Battery snot included.