[1.106]Custom CropCards not Registering

  • I'll keep this short: When I try to use the CropCard.registerCrop(CustomCropCard) function in my Init method, it gives me a NullPointerExcaption. I've looked through my code, and it seems that I'm doing it right. Is this my fault or what?

    COMING !SOON: Melumpkins, the Addon!

    • Official Post

    You either call it too soon (the normal Load-Phase is enough), or its in another way your fault. I recently updated a Cropcard-Addon for "I don't now", and i got no Problems.

    You should show us the whole Code.

  • I just tried moving the registering code to PostInit, and that didn't help, and the code is now (or will be very soon) on the Melumpkins Addon thread (in "Pending Addons".)

    COMING !SOON: Melumpkins, the Addon!