Hello everyone,
this is one of the first mods i have made it adds a few materials like Osmium(a element like Iridium) and titanium. i will so add some alloys(a mixture of some materials). this is a very early beta so far there are only the Osmium Drill and Osmium Chainsaw plus the stuff to make them. the Osmiun tools are faster then the original tools and also have more POWER!!!!
i suck at making textures so don't judge them. if anyone has any ideas they wish to be added i will try my best!!
v0.2 Added Titanium ore generation
config id's for items
Titanium Chest
added Olivine, OlivineAlloy and OlivineCrystal
OlivineCrystal stores 10 MILLION EU
added forge Oredictionary for
"10kkEUStore" for Osmiumcrystal,
"dustTitanium" for Titaniumdust,
"ingotTitanium" for Titaniumingot,
"oreTitanium" for Titaniumore
(Server not working)
added more forge ore dictionary for
"oreOsmium" for Osmiumore
"chunkOsmium" for OsmiumChunk
"plateOsmium" for OsmiumPlate
remove Olivine stuff i didnt like it.
renamed Olivine crystal to Osmium crystal
added Osmium Block
added Titanium Block
added OsmiumPack(like lappack)
added Osmium Treetap(little bugged but still works)
added Osmium Wrench(Completely bugged wont work!)
added new textures thanks to corjaantje(great guy and i hope to work with him some more)
fixed little bugs
fixed server not working
fixed OsmiumPack not looking right when equipped
changed textures around
(bug Osmium Crystals hold 10 million they only should hold 3 million eu)
added Config for worldgen
fixed Osmium Crystals to only hold 3 million eu
Added Config for Titaniumore giving out light default is true
Added Titanium Pick
Added Titanium Spade
Added Titanium Axe
Added Titanium Sword
Added Titanium Hoe
Added ID config for all new items
recoded Drill and chainsaw and fixed most bugs with them
added forge ore dictionary recipes for titanium tools
fixed small bugs
fix Osmium Chainsaw not using power when shearing
changed recipe for osmium tools (look at the pic)
changed the power used for osmium tools to 250eu per use
ported to minecraft 1.4.2
added config for power usage for tools
ported to minecraft 1.4.5 and Industrial craft2 v1.109
added own creative tab for all items
added Osmium Laser (works but no modes and temp recipe)
added Diamond Chainsaw
worked on code for ISU
new Textures for Osmium Drill and Osmium Chainsaw
new recipe for Osmium Chainsaw
removed test recipes
started work on cleaning up code
added osmium saber (has same damage as nano saber but should ignore all armor)
added titanium alloy
fix both chainsaws cutting speeds
cleaned up more code
worked on isu
not sure if thats all but its all i can remember
updated ic2 api
updated Thermal Expansion api
may of fixed white texture bug
should work with ic2 v1.110
updated to minecraft 1.4.6
cleaned up code
fixed sever not starting up
fixed smelting titanium
i hope fixed ic2 keys not working
i hope fixed ore dictionary errors
cant remember what else was mucking around with code hope everything still works
forgot to remove some code that was causing startup crash
updated for MC 1.5.2 and ic2 1.115
added recipe 1 iron + 1 gold = 1 titanium because world gen broken
v0.8a fix recipe bug causing crash
im going to add a ISU Iridium Storage Unit it will hold 100 Million eu, not going to be cheap
i have a few more ideas to add, witch im going to have to thank corjaantje, Minaithnir_Zhou and some others one direwolf20's irc channel
big thanks to Corjaantje for making the textures!
link to Corjaantje's youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/corjaantje/featured
Thanks to MrMazzony for making some 32x32 faithful textures they look great!
About this mod:
Name: Advanced Alloys
Version: beta v0.8a(major WIP)
Default Block ID: 450+ (working on muiti block id, config file to change)
Default Item's ID: 25000+ (config file to change)
Requirements: Ic2 v1.115 and forge v6.5+
It may only be downloaded from the links provided by me, and may not be redistributed in any form, modified or otherwise, without my express permission. All rights not explicitly granted are reserved.
It is Allowed in mod packs as long as a link back to the forum post and credit posted where needed,
Permission is required to reuse the Resources (art, music, etc) that are present within Advanced Alloys; however, a special exception where permission is granted if used to graphically enhance or improve Advanced Alloys and only Advanced Alloys.
My permission is required re-distribute this content regardless of any modifications used
Permission is granted to: Write reviews with Screen-shots as well as make videos using this content so long as you give credits and link to the Advanced Alloys post.
Permission is currently denied to de-compile my code. Currently my code is rather sloppy. it may become open sorce when i clean up a lot of the code as its a beta right now there is a lot of unless stuff in there.
Titanium Chest added the recipe is a chest surrounded by titanium ingots
Titanium ore works in macerator to make 2 Titanium Dust
ReinforcedTitaniumAlloy is 3 iron and 3 titanium across
OsmiumCrystal is 6 Osmiumore 2 Advanced circuits and a lapotron Crystal
OsmiumBlock is 9 OsmiumPlates
OsmiumPack is 6 OsmiumCrystals 1 Advanced circuit and 1 Osmium Block
TitaniumBlock is 9 TitaniumIngot
Diamond Chainsaw is chainsaw with 3 diamonds(like drill to diamond drill)
new osmium tool recipes are
= Osmium Plate
= Lapotron Crystal
= Lapotron Crystal
= Osmium Plate
= Titanium Alloy