Adds Railcraft's steel as an alternative for refined iron in IC2 recipes.
Requires (obviously) IC2 & Railcraft.
Adds Railcraft's steel as an alternative for refined iron in IC2 recipes.
Requires (obviously) IC2 & Railcraft.
Lol i could theoretically do all that with one single Line of Code, as long as IC² uses the Oredictionary for its recipes (What i doubt). Note, that i made a more profitable Recipe for Mixed Metal Ingots using Steelingots. Or Aluminiumingots. Or Titaniumingots. Or a proper combination of them.
And Damagevalues in recipes as of Electric Items is managed by the IC²-Recipe-Class, what is the reason for a diffrent IC²-Recipe-Subsection in NEI.
Lol i could theoretically do all that with one single Line of Code, as long as IC² uses the Oredictionary for its recipes (What i doubt).
Yup, but I avoided oredict because it could allow you to make RC steel stuff with refined iron, not what I was aiming for.
This is just a bit of fun, since I look for every opportunity to use RC stuff.
I was thinking about registering RC-Steel as "ingotRefinedIron" at the Dictionary, what would make IC²-Stuff craftable out of Steel, but not RC-Stuff craftable out of refined Iron. But i doubt that IC² really uses the Oredict for refined Iron.
I was thinking about registering RC-Steel as "ingotRefinedIron" at the Dictionary, what would make IC²-Stuff craftable out of Steel, but not RC-Stuff craftable out of refined Iron. But i doubt that IC² really uses the Oredict for refined Iron.
Testing now Derp, it worked. Thanks! New version up.
This seems nice... I started a new world a couple days ago, and 2 out of 2 dungeons presented me with Steel that I currently don't have a use for.
As about making it work the other way around, I advise at least making it configurable, because RC Steel is more expensive than IC2 Refined Iron... you need a blast furnace, a coke oven, coal coke...
Otherwise you might end up unbalancing RC, and that is not ok.
Nice work though
As about making it work the other way around, I advise at least making it configurable, because RC Steel is more expensive than IC2 Refined Iron...
It's one-way for exactly that reason. This lets you use steel in refiron recipes, not refiron in steel ones
No longer updating this, Railcraft 6.8 now does it.