I've been growing and breeding your crops for quite some time and maxed them all out but still the cropalyzer takes 4 swipes to fully analyze a seed bag. Why is this? Its just tedium, I have never once needed to only swipe it once twice or three times alone. Always, I want the full stats of the bag. Some may say I could have checked what kind of crop it was and discard it before stats use up a lot of power. Well, anybody who doesn't know what the crop is by the time its fully grown needs glasses is my reply to that. Can we just do away with swipes 1 - 3 and have a full analyisis saving us all carpal tunnel in the end?
beeralyzer - much as I don't like this name it suits the theme. Check the contents, ratios, liters, space left in barrels and maybe scan beers for the effects they give and qualities.
beer the liquid - storing alchohol in the logs is fine but I hope i'm not alone in wanting a railcraft tank full of rum or some more advanced brewing that allows this to become more possible / interesting. booze is a fun feature but it needs refining~