IGN: mrlambo1399
How old are you?: 15
Have you ever been banned? If yes, where and why?: no
Are you familiar with the mods?: Yes, these mods are my vanilla. Minecraft is very boring without them, and I have been playing with most of them for a long time now.

[1.4.7] MineGuild - Whitelist || 24/7 ||TeamSpeak 3 || Stream LIVE|| IC2|| TC3 || BuildCraft || Mystcraft|| ExtraBiomesXL || Many other mods
Le server is crash.
Mrlambo1399 whitelisted. Welcome to the server!
IGN: sowersnc0298 and can you whitelist my friends softball2002, explosion25, moneybags202, and NoobofHistory18
How old are you?: sowersnc0298 is 14, softball2002 is 10, explosion25 is 12, moneybag202 is 15, and NoobofHistory18 is 14
Have you ever been banned? If yes, where and why?: I haven't been banned before but I don't know about my friends
Are you familiar with the mods?: yes I refuse to play vanilla minecraft without mods -
sowersnc0298, softball2002, explosion25, moneybags202, and NoobofHistory18 whitelisted. Welcome to the server! We have a TeamSpeak 3 server so make sure to check it out
Could some moderator please be that kind and give me the rights for that topic?
I´m the owner of this server and would like to be able to control this topic too.
http://kmp.mineguild.de/proof.htmlThank you very much, nylser
Please whitelist this guy: cheesyblack6.
He is my IRL friend and I trust him completely. He is 14.
IGN: kofer99
How old are you?: 13 I hope that's no problem
Have you ever been banned? If yes, where and why?: No only from a friend on his private server
Are you familiar with the mods?: I know a lot of them but i haven't used some of them to much -
IGN: VengeanceSoldier
How old are you?: 14
Have you ever been banned? If yes, where and why?: Nope
Are you familiar with the mods?: With most of them -
Everyone that is whitelisted on the server, be sure to make a whitelist application HERE within a week. On 23.12.2012 I'm gonna check (if the world doen't end by then) if the ones that are whitelisted have made an application, if not I'm gonna delete them from whitelist. So from now on do not post whitelist applications on this thread.VengeanceSoldier, kofer99 and cheesyblack6 whitelisted. Welcome to the server, and make sure to make an application!
Since we have some mob mods like mocreatures I think the mod the Elder Scrolls V Skyrim mod would be cool to add with it here is the link the mod http://www.minecraftforum.net/…mes-new-mobs-new-weapons/
This server may look like fun but the admins are jerks and don't let us have any say in anything
This server may look like fun but the admins are jerks and don't let us have any say in anything
It's not like that, the person that you want us to whitelist may not be the same that griefed, but if you don't pay attention to your accounts and let them be stolen by someone you're gonna get unwhitelisted. It's not like we completely don't trust you, but there is proof that nulifies your arguments. We can't put the server in danger because of your whinning about not whitelisting your sister. Sorry without any proof what you say is not valid. It's not just you, that's how the whole Internet and world works.We had at least 3 or 4 people that griefed on the server until now, though I can agree that a part of the fault is ours, letting our server be griefed, were gonna be more careful from now on. If we are able to track down and ban the IP of the one that used your
sister's account we will whitelist her back, until then we can't trust
you, sorry.Edit 1: And one more thing: we are giving you the opporunity to play on a dedicated server so don't destroy that. If you want to be the one to judge make your own server, it's not that easy to mantain a server and Nylser puts a lot of work into that I'm not gonna let somebody who just wants to have "fun" (a.k.a. griefing) to ruin his work.
Well I found a different server so you don't have to worry about me anymore and I never had a problem with you Afterwind its was just Nysler he was just really mean to me.
The admins actualy listen really well to the players and their suggestions to make the server better. Alot of improvements made were based on player feedback.
Server, teamspeak and the site are down whats going on?
Server, teamspeak and the site are down whats going on?
You play too? What's your IGN? -
Bump! For updates and reopening the whitelist :). The whitelist is not gonna be open for long, so join till' you can
You play too? What's your IGN?104547 XD. But currentlly very busy with university and the launcher is bugged for me somehow.
I want to join the server please but the website doesnt seem to work for me
IGN: flamewolf20
Age: 28
Banned: never and plan to keep it that way
Time: i can play the most 6 hours a day
Exp with mods: I am very familiar with all mods so im very creative and want to join the server plz