I'm having a hard time turning iron fences into a feasible method of transportation. I have a large 80+ tower I want to be able to get up and down quickly, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what the best way to set these things up. I've come to terms with needing two chutes (one for up, the other for down), but a Magnetizer will only power 20~ fences! This is ridiculous! To make things worse, I can't just add another Magnetizer along the way because then the player's vertical trip up will be abruptly halted when they hit the Magnetizer with their head.
I was really hoping to fit a set-up into a 1x80x3 dimension box but now I am despairing. My next best idea is to have two columns of fences that alternate in power, but as I'm doing all this in survival legit I don't want to waste time and energy building a design only to find a better way shortly after.
I am only using IC^2, no other mods. How have you guys solved the vertical dilemma?