• I'm trying to build a new personal mod pack since Thaumcraft 3 just came out. Unfortunately the game seems to crash with the most up to date CCC (0.6.10) and Buildcraft (a-3.2.0). I tried installing just Code Chicken Core and IC2 and am crashing also. I have IC2(0.4c) and CCC( working fine on previous pack, thank you ahead of time.

  • Block ID error, it's a simple fix, look at the first line


    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot 4095 is already occupied by buildcraft.builders.BlockMarker@3498f5f9 when adding

    specifically Slot 4095 is already occupied, then check the mod that errored


    IC2 [IndustrialCraft 2] (industrialcraft-2_1.109.113-lf.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Errored

    In this case IC2, this means that you go into the config file of the block that is occupying the space (buildcraft) and you change it to something under 4096. Repeat until the errors stop.

    Is the answer to this question no?


    Hey don't take it so hard. Ignorance is part of this generation it seems. -the wise words of XFmax-o-l

    • Official Post

    Block ID error, it's a simple fix, look at the first line

    specifically Slot 4095 is already occupied, then check the mod that errored

    In this case IC2, this means that you go into the config file of the block that is occupying the space (buildcraft) and you change it to something under 4096. Repeat until the errors stop.

    if its always Slot 4095, which is occupied (seen it a couple of times), then Buildcraft has a SERIOUS BUG. I'd suggest to bug its maintainer and not the IC²-Forum.

    The Bug is the wrong usage of the Forge-ID-Resolver. Since Buildcraft is the first Forge-Mod its a shame that its bugged like that.

  • ^ Now that's odd, I looked at the patch where Buildcraft got Forge ID Resolver and it looked exactly like I was doing it -- just Configuration.getBlock("key", default_value). Mind, I haven't checked for any changes to that since, but yeah.

    Hey, Greg, would you write a short thread in Addon Discussion explaining the use of Forge ID Resolver, as well as a few common mistakes in implementing it? I'd really appreciate your knowledge on the subject.

    • Official Post

    ^ Now that's odd, I looked at the patch where Buildcraft got Forge ID Resolver and it looked exactly like I was doing it -- just Configuration.getBlock("key", default_value). Mind, I haven't checked for any changes to that since, but yeah.

    Hey, Greg, would you write a short thread in Addon Discussion explaining the use of Forge ID Resolver, as well as a few common mistakes in implementing it? I'd really appreciate your knowledge on the subject.

    Let me guess. BC uses the Config inside the Block Constructor or constructs the Block inside the preload phase, right? If yes, then thats the failure. I did that once too, and seemingly with no Problems, but then I got many reports about this exact Issue, changed it to read the Config in preload and construct the Blocks/items in load, and it was fixed.

    Basically it must be done this way:
    preload: get Values from Config
    load: initialize Blocks and Items

  • Mm, I'm actually doing my config reading in @Init, which seems to be working quite well. The only thing I'm using PreInit for is event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile(). Because it's handy that way.

    Also, yes, Buildcraft is doing it wrong.

  • CovertJaguar's said that the Builder is 100% broken, which is the block that's taking up #4095... (It's on the list for a major re-write)