horribad crash when trying to use IC and Buildcraft together on a Minecraft 1.4.5 server (Latest MCForge)

  • So I got a server (1.4.5) with minecraft forge latest, installed industrialcraft, and fired it up. It gave some weird warnings about blocks provided by IC having numbers below 256 (IDK what that is, but it turns out to be bad). Then I tried to install buildcraft. I put the buildcraft jar in the mods/ folder and fired it up. Then it crashed horribly, leaving behind this Minecraft crash report. the most important part seems to be this:


    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot 4095 is already occupied by
    buildcraft.energy.BlockOilStill@1244389 when adding

    looks to be a conflict between IC's blocks and buildcraft's blocks. Bug?

    full crash report:

  • ID Configs are not bugs.

    Block ID's are some of the simplest ever problems in Mod Installing known to Minecraftia. Nobody should ever complain or treat them as bugs.

    They are the easiest conflicts to fix. You don't even need the Internet. (Everybody gasps)

  • Is it mean to say that I facedesked when I read the title, followed by the content?

    No, being that if one used the search function, one would have found that there are 50 other threads about ID conflicts and how to fix them.