IC² installation problems

  • Please go easy on me I admit I am a complete noob when it comes to computer stuff, and all the terminology has got my head spinning xP But I would very much like to play this game and appreciate any and all help.

    Ok so I'm on a macbook 10.6.8
    Just to clarify that I've got the right downloading instructions:

    "For playing install the following mods in the SAME order in to your minecraft.jar:
    LexManos' MCForge (Version: 4.1.1*)
    *This is the RECOMMENDED version. You may use different ones, but in that case bugs may occur.

    If you want to use IC² v1.81 and earlier, install the following mod BEFORE MCForge:
    Risugami's ModLoader (Only needed for IC² 1.81 and earlier versions)

    It's strongly recommended to install these prequesite mods in the listed order onto a freshly downloaded minecraft.jar for optimum results.

    How to Install
    First install all mods above, then just put the industrialcraft-2-v1.111.jar into your 'mods'-folder located in .minecraft
    Do not unpack your minecraft.jar.
    Do not drop the whole client or the downloaded archive into your minecraft.jar.
    Do not forget to delete the META-INF folder if you didn't delete it already."

    Ok so I've managed to successfully instal Modloader and MCForge, and I keep reading that I need to install ModloaderMP but I cant get that one installed without the game crashing when I try to run it.
    I then put the IC²-jar into the mod folder that was created when I installed MCForge, the game works but its just the regular MC not IC².
    I also read contradicting installation instructions that involve unpacking the IC²-jar , and one said that I was supposed to "first extract the archive to a location of your choice" don't quite under stand what that means so I'm not sure if I did it, and something else about API which I have no idea what that is...
    I've been trying for two days and my head is almost spinning in circles with terminology and contradicting information and outdated information, will someone please help before my head explodes :wacko:

  • You should only install Forge, thus


    Risugami's ModLoader (Only needed for IC² 1.81 and earlier versions)

    After you install Forge, you simply need to drag the IC2 jar into the mods directory. That's all there is to it. Just make sure you have the correct MInecraft version (the current public build of IC2 is for 1.4.5, not the latest version, 1.4.6), and the correct version of Forge to go with it.

  • Thanks so much for taking time to help me.
    Ok I think thats my problem, would you mind pointing me in the direction of how to change my version of Minecraft.

  • Thanks so much for taking time to help me.
    Ok I think thats my problem, would you mind pointing me in the direction of how to change my version of Minecraft.

    As in upgrade or downgrade? If it's upgrade just open the Minecraft Launcher and check "force update" under options, if it's downgrade, try a program titled MCNostalgia.

    Is the answer to this question no?


    Hey don't take it so hard. Ignorance is part of this generation it seems. -the wise words of XFmax-o-l

  • Well seeing as I've been at it for two days straight and have done about a million force upgrades I'm assuming I need to downgrade from 1.4.6 to 1.4.5 unless there's a way to get IC² to work on the newest version of Minecraft.
    And thanks I'll give that a try :)

  • unless there's a way to get IC² to work on the newest version of Minecraft.
    And thanks I'll give that a try :)

    Try this

    Is the answer to this question no?


    Hey don't take it so hard. Ignorance is part of this generation it seems. -the wise words of XFmax-o-l

  • i dont know if this is the right place for this post but here goes.

    i would like everyone to know iv run into a problem when trying to use forestry-A- and industrialCraft2 for 1.4.6 just so you know there NOT compatible with each other so what you have to do is remove forestry-A- ind industrialcraft will then work :thumbup:

  • try going to here http://www.skydaz.com/industri…ller-for-minecraft-1-4-6/ and you can use the installer to get it to work with the latest minecraft

    Why use that? FtB is out, otherwise you can use MultiMC/Powers of DIY to install. it.

    i dont know if this is the right place for this post but here goes.

    i would like everyone to know iv run into a problem when trying to use forestry-A- and industrialCraft2 for 1.4.6 just so you know there NOT compatible with each other so what you have to do is remove forestry-A- ind industrialcraft will then work

    This is bullshit, these mods are meant to work together. Can you explain what is the problem?
    Additionally, next time, create your own thread before hijacking somebody else's if they are not the same problem.

  • Why use that? FtB is out, otherwise you can use MultiMC/Powers of DIY to install. it.

    This is bullshit, these mods are meant to work together. Can you explain what is the problem?
    Additionally, next time, create your own thread before hijacking somebody else's if they are not the same problem.

    im sorry if i offenden you but iv only just started modding and i saw others had problems i was just explaining a problem i had run into again im sorry and i will take note of what you said about starting a new thread the problem i found was i was unable to use ic2 and forest at the same time it just gives an error report and as im new to modding i dont understand what the problem is between the two mods it might sound like im stupid but i dont know how to code things thats why i wrote on here also the mods might have worked in earlier editions of the game but im using 1.4.6 not 1.4.5/1.4.4