Refined iron

  • :Refined Iron: :Refined Iron: :Refined Iron:

    Nothing incredibly interesting here, just thought it wouldn't hurt to be able to use refined iron as normal iron in all recipes that involve normal iron.

    :Refined Iron: :Refined Iron: :Refined Iron:

  • Why on earth would you prefer to use refined iron in recipes when iron is super common? Unless it gave you benefits, it sound s huge loss of time for the devs.

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  • false

    small tweak to register same item multiple times in oredict will allow it in few lines, but this is hurge ovrhead for recipe system.

    also, this extremely stupid and useless, there is no need to refine every iron you have.

  • false

    small tweak to register same item multiple times in oredict will allow it in few lines, but this is hurge ovrhead for recipe system.

    also, this extremely stupid and useless, there is no need to refine every iron you have.

    He probably wants to simplify his sorting system to allow it to simply create refined iron instead of distributing it in any way, that would make the idea slightly useful but still is pretty pointless given how easy it is to create sorting system that can handle it given that most people play with more than just IC2 (though that has no innate sorting anyway)