since recently the quantum helmet requires certain food items to do certain things (such as cans to replenish hunger) I thought it'd be nice to have something similar to the toolbox.
I don't know about other players, but I often have quite a full inventory, and to now have extra items in the inventory for the quantum helmet the inventory gets even harder to keep clean.
so I thought an item like a lunchbox would be nice. if you have it in your hand and right click it, an inventory opens up with about 9 slots, in there you can put in items like food cans (I don't know what other items the quantum helmet uses for different effects since the wiki uses placeholder images) the quantum helmet will first take the items from the lunchbox, and when the lunchbox is empty it'll start using the items from the normal inventory. it wouldn't matter if you have the lunchbox in your hotbar or not, as long as it's in your inventory.