Suggestion: Improve Miner behavior

    • Official Post

    Currently miners can get "stuck" in natural cobblegens, filling chests with useless cobblestone and wasting tons of energy.
    I suggest changing miners behavior to prevent it.
    Suggested behavior :
    Dig down normally, and whenever it finds ore in its scanner range, charge up the "drill" and mine everything on the way to the ore in a burst, so natural cobblegens will not "jam" miners.

  • I use the cobblegen feature!

    Nor will I ever be installing redpower* or buildcraft at the same time as IC2. I hatehatehate having different electricity types in the same world. (maybe Gregtech).

    *At least, not the bluelectric stuff, volcanoes would be nice.

    Compromise: Diamond drills don't cobblegen, steel ones do?

  • :Coal Chunk: :Lava Cell: :Coal Chunk:
    :Mining Pipe :Intergrated Plating: :Tin Ore:
    :Coal Chunk: :Water Cell: :Coal Chunk:

    Coal chunk is filler, reactor plating is empty. The water and lava makes constant cobblestone, and the miner keeps mining it out hoping for the ore, but never gets past it. Runs at 2 EU/t (steel drill) or 20 EU/t (diamond drill, generates cobble faster without needing to build more multiblock structures).

    • Official Post

    :Coal Chunk: :Lava Cell: :Coal Chunk:
    :Mining Pipe :Intergrated Plating: :Tin Ore:
    :Coal Chunk: :Water Cell: :Coal Chunk:

    Coal chunk is filler, reactor plating is empty. The water and lava makes constant cobblestone, and the miner keeps mining it out hoping for the ore, but never gets past it. Runs at 2 EU/t (steel drill) or 20 EU/t (diamond drill, generates cobble faster without needing to build more multiblock structures).

    However the diamond drill is too fast and it may get the ore before the cobblestone respawns, so it is preferable to use normal drill.
    But that is nearly useless, considering the zillion ways people have to get junk to recycle. Also removing that behavior prevents people's miner from getting stuck into natural cobblegens causing a huge waste of energy, enough to deplete your entire workshop energy storage, if you don't have a decent generation.

  • Name *one* other automatic way without using additional mods that players may not have.

    I suppose once 1.5 comes out eggcollecting can be made automatic.

    I've run the diamond drill for days at a time, it never caught the ore, though, that could be a suitable compromise, diamond punches through, steel doesn't.

    Why are you even hooking the miner up to workshop storage? Thermal gen and a batpack will run it fully upgraded all the way to bedrock, no need for long distance cabling solutions, and you won't lose anything you didn't dump into the thermal (which at best is only going to recharge the batpack anyway, given its instant consumption tenancies).

    • Official Post

    Even if there isnt, it is not worth in my opinion. Even if its not hooked up to the workshop it is still a waste of energy and you have to go down to the shaft to get the cobble gen out of the way.