Cannot place blocks/machines/use tools, find ores, anything!

  • I am playing this on a small server that is run on my computer. (Mac OS X, but I have windows if I need to fix it through there)

    So I installed industrialcraft 2 tonight, along with the most recent version of forge, and everything is working fine. The mod says it is being found and read, and the game runs fine. The only catch is that I cannot find any ores, even though I have explored chunks that were not previously loaded or explored. I also, when i go into creative mode, cannot place any ores, blocks, or use any of the tools or weapons I give myself. As soon as I right click to place blocks or use tools, they dissapear from the ground/my hand/ and my inventory as if I had nothing selected.
    Any ideas? I've searched around and havn't found anything close. Maybe a block ID problem?

    Something else I realized: when I'm in creative mode, if I place a block (say, cobble) and then place an industrialcraft block, the IC2 block immediately becomes cobble. The same is true if I used grass before, it turns to grass, etc. Please help.

    This is going to sound stupid, but I have different copies of IC2. I have the 1.4.7 for the client side, and the 1.3.5 for the server side. You may think that I should just make them both 1.3.5, since its the latest version that has a server update, but when I tried this, minecraft wouldn't recognize that I even had a mod loaded.

  • You'll have to download this open beta and install the same file on the server and the client. Minecraft Forge mods have not had seperate servers since mc 1.3.2.

    Oh, adn RawCode, do you realize how mean that was of you? You lol at him, but you don't even take your time to help him? Basically, what you said is: You didn't notice that client- and servermods are the same file, fuck off, I won't help you. You should be reported, but it says to only use it against spam and inappropriate content. So I'll just say fuck you, RawCode.

    Age: 16. Favourite school subject: Physics/Chemistry.

    The IC2 forums could really use a lot more of [REDACTED], [DATA EXPUNGED] and ████████.

    I'm in a so called "after-school". It's freaking fantastic and nowhere near as boring as normal school!

  • Hmm...I took your advice and (if I did it right) put the open beta mod jar into the mod folder for both the client and the server. Unfortunately, when I then ran the server, was presented with a long list of "OBJECT ID *** MISSING." Any ideas?

    Is there a special version of forge that needs to be installed for
    the open beta? And I see there is some talk about something called
    "optifine." Is that necessary?

    And thanks for sticking up for me, but it's okay. I actually laughed when I read his comment, because its true. I used to be really good at it, but things changed a bit and I havnt done it in a while so I've forgotten what to do.

    Is there a special version of forge that needs to be installed for the open beta? And I see there is some talk about something called "optifine." Is that necessary?

  • Optifine merely makes you have better FPS and nicer effects.

    To fix the IDs, copy the Server IC2 IDs into your %appdata%\.minecraft\config\ic2.cfg file.

    It's usually suggested to use the latest forge, unless otherwise specified.

  • Gotcha, thanks.

    Where do I find the object IDs? Are they in the server mod jar?

    If by object ID you mean Item ID, it's in the config folder

    Is the answer to this question no?


    Hey don't take it so hard. Ignorance is part of this generation it seems. -the wise words of XFmax-o-l

  • It seems to have worked! Thank you all for your assistance, I very much appreciate it.

    One last question: (legal issues aside) if I copied my .minecraft folder and moved it to a different computer, would it still work? Sounds silly, but I'm just making sure, that copying it and putting it on another computer would make it so I didn't have to redo all of this.

    Oops, actually two questions.
    If I have already explored chunks, will things like rubber trees spawn in these chunks, or do I have to explore unexplored areas to find them? Same with ores.
    Figured it out.

  • yes. All you are doing is "re-downloading" the files, and you still have to login in order to play Minecraft.

    Basically, "Hey, let's move this chair to the locked bedroom that only I can access!"

  • Quote from wasmic

    but you don't even take your time to help him?

    internet is not for you, you are too stupid to realize simple fact - i have pointed to exact source of issue.


    legal issues aside

    there is no DRM inside minecraft source, but you not allowed to distribute jar or classes or source, not ever allowed to share it with friend or install it on multiple machines.
    but since there is no DRM, nothing will stop from doing this.


    Figured it out.

    same seed == same map, always.

  • Well, if it's his computer, why in the world couldn't he? Saves him the time of re-downloading.