[SOLVED] Decompilation IC2.1.115.222 & mcp726a

  • Sorry for creating this thread, but I don't know what to do.
    I had successfully decompiled IC2 on minecraft 1.2.5 & mcp719.
    But now.. I don't know, what to do.
    I'm trying to decompile it whole day.
    I am using GregoriusT's instructions.
    But I has this error

    > Applying Retroguard
    == ERRORS FOUND ==
    Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
    ERROR: duplicate entry: net/minecraft/client/gui/achievement/GuiAchievements.class
    Decompile failed

    Please, anybody.. Help me to decompile mod now.
    I need sources to disable some functions in this mod.

    Thank's for RawCode.
    If anybody will have this problem, delete "_aux.class" in minecraft.jar

  • Anybody knows, how to solve this problem?
    My server is shuted down for a 2 days, because of IC2.
    Why there is no option to disable Mining Laser? :thumbdown:
    And please, help me to decompile IC2

  • Look here. You posted this at 11:00, and then come back less than 2 hours later and complain that nobody is helping you.
    Why is your server shut down?
    Why are you trying to decompile IC2?
    Post in the Suggestions Forum for a Mining Laser config option.

  • Better help me to decompile mod.
    I can't enable server with Mining Laser.
    So, I am trying to decompile IC2 for a 2 days.
    Google knows nothing. Only old tutorials.
    But they don't works NOW.
    Something changed in MCP, or in Forge...

  • If you want to disable the Mining Laser, I think you just need to go into the IC2 items config and change the Mining Laser ID to some other item ID that is taken by another item.

    Is the answer to this question no?


    Hey don't take it so hard. Ignorance is part of this generation it seems. -the wise words of XFmax-o-l

  • Better help me to decompile mod.
    I can't enable server with Mining Laser.
    So, I am trying to decompile IC2 for a 2 days.
    Google knows nothing. Only old tutorials.
    But they don't works NOW.
    Something changed in MCP, or in Forge...

    >.> Are you threatening us?
    Ok, so I assume that you're saying Mining Laser causes too much griefing-that's fine.
    You might want to look at the log, like the error report tells you to do, or just follow CrafterofMine57's instructions.

  • CrafterofMine57, I had already tryed to do, like you say.
    MCPC+ crashes.
    Wliu, I sayed already, that I spent 2 days to solve this problem. Of course, I read this log billion times.
    May be anybody gives me any good advice?
    Anybody, who decompiled IC2 for 1.4.7 successfully?

  • check file starting with underscope ("_") in jar, it left here as noob detector (or for some astral related thing)


    May be anybody gives me any good advice?

    dont waste your time, with your current insane manual reading skills you wont compile it back without 3rd party help anyway, no matter how many times you read log, you wont fix decomplitation issues by reading it once again.


    Anybody, who decompiled IC2 for 1.4.7 successfully?

    decompilation is only 20% of job, you will require to compile it back in order to use, main fun on this stage.

    well, in order to keep "psycho-pass" i wont flame you more, and merely suggest to use recipe disabler mod.
    if you have some brain cells you also can disable laser with bukkit plugin without tempering with ic2 source.

  • If you want to disable the Mining Laser, I think you just need to go into the IC2 items config and change the Mining Laser ID to some other item ID that is taken by another item.

    This wont work for me.... right?

    recipe disabler mod

    Hey i like that!!!!
    There any forge recipe bloker?
    i Dont use bukkit and i dont want install it. I search for a mod like this and i didnt find any that was good.
    ( what i really want is to disable bucket recycle with RP)

  • To disable it simply use IC2 API.
    It has good recycle disabler.

    He's talking about disabling the feature of Redpower Alloy Furnaces to convert bucket back into iron. (Which is undesirable, as buckets can be made from tin. Effectively making a tin --> iron conversion exploit.)