Difference between Advanced and Overclocked Heat vent?

    • Official Post

    Messing around with the Reactor planner, and after a fairly long time, i still have no idea what the Difference is.
    The Overclocked Heatvent seems to actually be better at Dispersing heat, so im sure the Advanced vent must have a Good use for the Diamond it costs.

  • Over Clocked can accept more then they can disperse so they can heat up fast and melt.

    Advanced disperse the same amount of heat (A large amount) that they accept.

    Try messing with the online reactor planner, it has break downs of exact numbers.

    Alblaka says:

    "People using their intellect in attempts to discuss other people into the ground could be considered less intellectual then people using their intellect for something beneficial :3"

    • Official Post

    Over Clocked can accept more then they can disperse so they can heat up fast and melt.

    Advanced disperse the same amount of heat (A large amount) that they accept.

    Try messing with the online reactor planner, it has break downs of exact numbers.

    "Messing around with the Reactor planner"

    Lolz, but thanks, so the Advanced ones cant melt?
    Ok, that makes sense :P

  • I didn't say they cant melt, they just are more efficient at dispersing heat. so harder to melt is the best way to put it I guess.

    Also the planner has a tab for gregtech reactor items.

    Alblaka says:

    "People using their intellect in attempts to discuss other people into the ground could be considered less intellectual then people using their intellect for something beneficial :3"

  • Advanced vents 12 heat/pulse, but doesn't draw any heat into it. The overclocked vent draws in 36 from the core, and vents 20 (which means it overheats unless you get rid of the extra 16 heat).

    There might be uses for the advanced in special situations, but overclocked is definitely the workhorse.