It seems that either i am using Water mills incorrectly or they are bugged, i place them down, surround them in water, they make about 5eu then Stop entirely. Am i doing something wrong? Rather not waste all those generators and aluminium

Water mills bugged?
Watermills are the baddest Greengen anyway. Look at SpwnX´s Tutorial and build some Windtowers, they work and are efficent.
Watermills are the baddest Greengen anyway. Look at SpwnX´s Tutorial and build some Windtowers, they work and are efficent.
It was more of a theme thing for my gaint dam i made
Imma fill it with fish and Plesiosours. I might boost Watermills in the config if they are that weak. -
Looks like it is bug, because just tried to play around with water mills, transformers and bat-boxes, once cable segments or transformer is removed bat-box still receiving EU, however energy net is disconnected. Opposite bug can occur too - when everything is connected bat box will not receive energy. World reload is helping. Should note that bug is not persistent it may occur and may not. Version of IC2 1.115.231-lf.
I set up around 128 Water mills, it got a few bits of energy into my AESU but after a few seconds stopped entirely. I measured the cable with the EU reader and although the AESU Gained 2000 EU, in about 5 hours the eu reader said "0 EU".
Watermills are the baddest Greengen anyway. Look at SpwnX´s Tutorial and build some Windtowers, they work and are efficent.
Windmills are also ugly as sin.You report it to the bugtracker yet?
Windmills are also ugly as sin.You report it to the bugtracker yet?
I Would of thought it was reported already, but ok. I shall.
Probably not an issue, but double check the wire length. even one block over 39 will stop those watermills from being able to transmit energy to your storage. You can also use tin wire for watermills to save your glass fibre. As I have been using.
Not sure why people think they are so bad. compared to solar panels 2 unmanned water mills (i.e. one generators worth) produces just about the same energy over a minecraft day. A little less if I remember my calculations, however factor in rain turning your solars off and it is pretty similar. Then looking at the resource costs watermills are a lot cheaper. So if you want to spend the time to set them up they aren't a bad deal. Especially when gregtech sucks up so much coal for other uses.
Probably not an issue, but double check the wire length. even one block over 39 will stop those watermills from being able to transmit energy to your storage. You can also use tin wire for watermills to save your glass fibre. As I have been using.
Not sure why people think they are so bad. compared to solar panels 2 unmanned water mills (i.e. one generators worth) produces just about the same energy over a minecraft day. A little less if I remember my calculations, however factor in rain turning your solars off and it is pretty similar. Then looking at the resource costs watermills are a lot cheaper. So if you want to spend the time to set them up they aren't a bad deal. Especially when gregtech sucks up so much coal for other uses.
No, i was checking the cable directly next to the water mill, no power at all ever came out, but the Energy storage device gained about 1000eu randomly in an hour.
The thing is that unmanned watermills, when in clusters generates so few EU.
Considering your "horizontal tower" style, each one generates 0,16 EU/t. -
The thing is that unmanned watermills, when in clusters generates so few EU.
Considering your "horizontal tower" style, each one generates 0,16 EU/t.As i said, mainly for asthetics, but i replaced them with 4 Ocean wave generators, which make about 0.25eu/t and they still actually output.