I am sorry if heaps of people ask for help and/or post things in the wrong area but I believe this falls unto support. I just need basic tutorials, all of the ones I have followed haven't worked for me, because it's so complex. And by that,I mean the mod itself, I've got it work, just have no idea how to make the super cool stuff.
Thanks, Hansen
Help with IC²
I am sorry if heaps of people ask for help and/or post things in the wrong area but I believe this falls unto support. I just need basic tutorials, all of the ones I have followed haven't worked for me, because it's so complex. And by that,I mean the mod itself, I've got it work, just have no idea how to make the super cool stuff.
Thanks, HansenMake what super cool stuff? There's about a hundred items in IC², we have no idea what your "super cool" is. Please give more specifics, like nuclear reactors, sticks, QuantumSuit, etc.
I'd rather have someone else helping me out without the rude attitude. All I need is guides on how to make the basics, and to help me understand the basics so I can get started with this mod, and then a few guides to help me make a few basic starting IC2 items.
I'd rather have someone else helping me out without the rude attitude. All I need is guides on how to make the basics, and to help me understand the basics so I can get started with this mod, and then a few guides to help me make a few basic starting IC2 items.
Dude. He wasn't rude, its true. You may see Electricity as "super cool stuff" while he doest.
Check direwolf20 mod review, that should give you a basic grasp, check the wiki too.
Dude. He wasn't rude, its true. You may see Electricity as "super cool stuff" while he doest.
Check direwolf20 mod review, that should give you a basic grasp, check the wiki too.
That's the whole point of him being rude...
And I checked it out, but his older videos are too staticy to listen to and it hurts my ears. Anything else?
Are you just playing IC2 by its self or with other mods? If it is just IC2 I will make a chart for you so you know what to look up.
I learned pretty much all of IC2 just from the wiki alone, read it, learn it, LIVE IT!
I learned pretty much all of IC2 just from the wiki alone, read it, learn it, LIVE IT!
Same thing here. Also you can test all IC² stuff by cheating stuff on a test world.
I'd rather have someone else helping me out without the rude attitude. All I need is guides on how to make the basics, and to help me understand the basics so I can get started with this mod, and then a few guides to help me make a few basic starting IC2 items.
How are we supposed to help you if we don't know what to help you on? IC2 is so broad, you should give some details. Like the "basics", which is what you just said.
Pretty much all the basic information (crafting) you can get from the IC2 wiki/CraftGuide/NEI.WorldGen:
- Copper Ore (Orange spots, found highest at Y=70, best found around Y=40, clusters usually in 3 - 6, needs Stone Pickaxe or better)
- Tin Ore (White spots, found highest at Y=40, best found around Y=20, clusters usually in 3 - 6, needs Stone Pickaxe or better)
- Uranium Ore (Green spots, found anywhere, no best found depth, clusters usually in 1 - 2, needs Iron Pickaxe, Bronze Pickaxe or better)
- Rubber Trees (Wood is darker shade of spruce, thick leaves, 3-tall leaf cap, has orange spots, most common in swamps. Drops saplings which can be grown with bonemeal or time. Use Treetap to harvest resin from the orange spots which regrow over time. Take care not to repeatedly tap the same spot in a short perido of time.)
As for the concept of electricity, just thing of it as
In IC2 electricity is only a buzz word for small magical dwarfs carrying nanobatteries. From every energy source or storage there is one dwarf released every tick. Size of a dwarf is determined by amount of energy they are carrying. Cables are in reality just a tunnels where they run. If a cable or machine don't provide enough space for a dwarf it will get angry and blow up.However many dwarfs are happy to run alongside each other and will in cooperation carry any amount of energy through a cable. Big dwarf will still prefer to blow up, then to split, but he can split into smaller dwarfs in transformer. Every smaller dwarf which is produced by transformer can go to the same output tunnel.
These useful little creatures are also sometimes nicknamed packets.
This is the standard route without GregTech.
Then build the following machines and supply power:- Generator
- Macerator
- Extractor (switch with Macerator if low on rubber)
- BatBox
- Mining Drill, Diamond Drill, Chainsaw, Electric Wrench, Electric Treetap, EU-Reader, BatPack
- Electro Furnace
- Compressor (which you can use Coal to make into Diamonds)
- Watermill-RedPower-Cyclotron or Overengineered Windmills or Engineering-Not-Required Solar Panels or Hell-Powered Geothermal Generators.
- MFE, Lappack
- LV Transformer (to convert 128 EU-packets to 32 EU-packets, as unupgraded machines can tolerate only 32 EU-packets, which is the maximum level unupgraded machines can tolerate)
- Induction Furnace
I'll stop here, as it's pretty much all the basic machines, but keep in mind I haven't touched on the fun stuff such as NanoSuit, QuantumSuit, UU-Matter, Nuclear Reactors, Teleporters and Terraformers. -
LOL. Really ? I use at first MFE with Transformers but ... wait. That'd be a suggestion: buffing Batbox
(or nerfing MFE and MFSU)