After spending a lot of time trying to get eclipse to launch Minecraft with ic2 and my addons and failing, I decided to make a utility to compile/obfuscate/package(zip)/ and launch minecraft. I know it's not a big deal to just launch one bat, then another, then zip it all up move it and run it yourself but when you're OCD about your programming and test after you finish each new chunk that time really adds up.
Anywho, I'd like to present the automated tester. You can consider this to be a beta tool as I know it will be buggy. over the next week or two I hope to iron out any bugs that I may have missed and make it work with better features (maybe even incorporate a gui). For now though here's what it does.
- Works with any number of projects, as long as they are stored in different root directories.
- Calls the compile and reobfuscate scripts from MCP.
- Packages the mods (zip) into a specified minecraft directory
- Launches minecraft with your mods.
- Supports non-ic2 API's but only one API at a time currently
- During packaging, if you specified a texture folder directory and file it will add these to your package.
Current known problems:
- Currently only works on windows as it uses 7zip.exe to package the mods (this will change with future versions)
- Also relies on one .bat file to launch minecraft. This will also change in the future.
Future Plans:
- Making the program OS independent
- Enabling nested mod structuring, currently only allows on parent folder in which it will package everything within
- Possibly a gui
Credits :
Igor Pavlov for 7-zip
Forkk13 for the MultiMC jar launcher used to launch minecraft
MultiMC licensed under the Apache license:
What you're NOT allowed to do:
- Make profit off my work. (, donations, pay per download file hosting, etc..)
- Redistribute my work without giving credit
What you ARE allowed to do:
- Anything that isn't listed in what you aren't allowed to do
- Redistribute my work for free and with credit
- Make profit off anything that you created using my work.
- Modify the software
- Create a death laser and destroy Antarctica with my software, but ONLY if you save the penguins
These terms are subject to change but as long as nothing gets abused they most likely won't
After the next build, after I've cleaned up some of my embarrassing coding I'll open-source this. If anybody who's trustworthy would like to check it to verify it's nothing malicious please message me and I'll share it with you. Until then I will provide virus scans.
Virus Scans
Installation instructions:
Extract the zip archive to your mcp directory.
Before running fill out the necessary fields in config.cfg located in the requires directory. For the time being, ignore the "Nested Packages" section as it will do nothing
To run the program either double click the .jar file or launch via the included aLaunch.bat if you like feeling hackery and seeing command line codes running by.
If you have any questions about the config or program feel free to post them here.
I didn't bother scanning the .cfg or .bat file as you can easily check those with notepad or an text editor yourself.
If this somehow is against the rules of the forum or is in the wrong section etc... feel free to notify me and I will remove it (if against the rules and you can point out where) or move it if it's in the wrong section.