1: I miss Alblaka...
2: Title is there for attention.
3: How this idea came into existence : I built a Submarine...made it half nuclear with nuclear torpedoes and missiles in the form of CC turtles that go out place nukes and fuse them...now I want to make it full nuclear.
4: Facts: Eloraam is open to cross mod ideas...made a module for it...hell she's one of the creators of Forge. More Watt using machines are coming in the future.
5: Idea time again:
Block subject to change: Wind Mill
Craft a single wind mill in a grid and get an Inverted wind mill (fart machine).
They work exactly opposite to wind mills.
-the more of them cramped together the more efficient they are
-the lower they are in the world the better they are at making wind (lack of natural wind interfering)
-they input a flat EU rate and output wind ( hence we say that this method of converting EU to Watts is flatulent)
-the closer they are to a RP2 wind mill the better
6: If you don't get the jokes...sorry for you.
7: If you don't like this idea I will make a nuclear reactor to power my fart machines to power my RP2 wind mill that charges batteries that via ender chest power the motors on my frame submarine in which I will come and launch my turtles that will deploy nukes all over your house.

[Cross Mod] Fart Machine
- mcmz4e
- Closed
Best Post ever.
*reports for spam* -
That Idea is worse than my Tooltip for the Gas Turbine.
All jokes aside this idea is far superior to a cable that runs in a box that has a wire on the other side....which will sadly prolly make it into at least an addon as soon as rp2 deploys a fleet of watt using machines/items.
Basically an EU to Blutricity converter?
I think that is a good idea.
Do you want to buy a kitchen? -
So basically a fan to turn RP2 windmills?