why do you need uranium 235 when you have mox?
Alright, so: MOX reactor designs.
why do you need uranium 235 when you have mox?
I guess you don't. Still, I can't be the only one that finds it weird that plutonium is easier to acquire than U-235.
Hi guys,
I was experimenting with the exact amount of heat when reactors start turning blocks into lava.I noticed that this reactors runs smoothly until 1238 eu/t, http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…w23tu08tq6y4dekwg6qo5zntg
but this one only gets up to 1232 eu/t before it turns blocks into lava. http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…w23tu08tq6y4da8gqaq32niok
Any ideas why?
Hi guys,
I was experimenting with the exact amount of heat when reactors start turning blocks into lava.I noticed that this reactors runs smoothly until 1238 eu/t, http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…w23tu08tq6y4dekwg6qo5zntg
but this one only gets up to 1232 eu/t before it turns blocks into lava. http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…w23tu08tq6y4da8gqaq32niok
Any ideas why?
Are you running an old version of IC2e? I know some of then had bugs where MOX output depended on the exact location of cells within the reactor. But other than that, I don't know what could be causing this.Hmm... You talk about turning things into lava. That was re-added after the placement bug was fixed.. so it's not that.
With the quad cells above the dual cells, the bottom row of vents and exchangers can dissipate or spread around some of their heat. With the quads on bottom, there's less heat in the hull for them (I'm guessing the Reactor Exchangers have the most effect) to take, so then the quad cells dump more heat into the hull.
Hypothesis: Hull heat for meltdown purposes is determined by the heat after all components have been ticked, while hull heat for MOX bonus purposes is the peak heat during the last tick. Or maybe the heat at the time when some MOX cell was last ticked.
Can anyone verify or refute this?
Recently started in a modpack with gregtech so im gonna try this silly little thing. (TPPI)
I love it! And also using an Iridium Neutron Reflector isn't a waste at all if you are going to build a Fusion Reactor. This is because the Fusion Coils each have an Iridium Reflector in them, and they don't wear out at all (that's kind of the point of them). So that Iridium might as well be sitting in a reactor producing EU for you as sitting in a chest
EDIT: Doh it doesn't work! There is a slight excess of cooling even though it says it's perfect in the version 3 reactor planner :l
I made a working version of that:
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…ui8jcrllj55oxadeka8lwzplcOmicron pretty much all the reactors I posted to this forum (it's actually only 4) work 100% and imho are different enough to be on a list.
If you want to, I can compile that . But first, can someone tell me how to have a word be a link to the reactor planner (like the "clicky" you guys do) instead of copypasting the url? I know, I'm a noob^^ -
I made a working version of that:
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…ui8jcrllj55oxadeka8lwzplcOmicron pretty much all the reactors I posted to this forum (it's actually only 4) work 100% and imho are different enough to be on a list.
If you want to, I can compile that . But first, can someone tell me how to have a word be a link to the reactor planner (like the "clicky" you guys do) instead of copypasting the url? I know, I'm a noob^^Thanks a million that works a treat, stable at 9207+/-1 and generating 605+1-0 EU/t for a full cycle. Although for some strange reason, when I heated it up with just the Reactor Plating, Fuel Cell and Iridium Neutron Reflector and then stuffed the rest in in order with energised item ducts it lost all of its heat
Yes the reactor was still on. Very strange but I suspect not related in anyway to your design. I will definitely chect out your other designs! Have all the
As for how to insert a link with a name instead of the URL itself showing, when making a message, select the "Source" tab and click the link button. It will give you the chance to put an optional "Name" text to display instead of the URL itself
Glad you like it!
If you heat up the design and then put all the parts in, some of the hull heat will be transferred to the components through the reactor heat exchangers. They all need to be around 85% heat for the reactor to reach it's intended state. Maybe that's it?Edit: Haha now I know why I didn't find the URL thingy, NoScript was blocking it^^
This is going to be a list of reactors exchanging heat between their components and their hull. If you want to understand how and why these work, please look at the first post in this thread from Omicron, it explains it very well.
These reactors, in comparison to the ones on Omicron's list, require more complex automation, but in return offer a higher efficiency and/or output (whichever you are going for) and they require less resources, especially diamonds, to build.How to automate them:
These reactors will only maintain their heat level when they're continuosly running. I.e. they require automation that removes and replaces a used fuel rod before the reactor even notices it's gone. The time window for that is exactly 1 second.
You can of course use slower automation, too. The reactor will lose a few heat points every cycle though, so you need to heat it back up once in a while.Moreover the reactors with different kinds of fuel rods in one reactor require automation that can access specific slots, since you want the fuel rod to be replaced by the same type of fuel rod every time (or you need to build something that detects which fuel rod has been taken out).
You can do this in many ways, for example with vanilla hoppers (just one type of fuel rods) or routers.
If you made your own reactor design, and you think it is worth adding to the list, please
- test it ingame, not just with the reactor planner (because the planner isn't fully up to date)
- tell me which is the exact max running eu/t before it starts melting blocks.The Designs
Important: Do not flip, turn or mirror the designs, or change anything that seems irrelevant! it changes the max eu/t, which may lead to blocks melting and craters!0- Chambers
- Reactor
- 500 eu/t (stable up to 439 eu/t)
- Efficiency 16,67 (stable up to 14,63)
- only 1 type of rod
- initial cost: 18 Plutonium, 36 Uranium-238, 144 Copper, 47.33 Tin, 156 Iron, 12 Lead, 32 Gold, 14 Redstone, 2 Glowstone, 2 Lapis, 25 Rubber.
- Running cost: 36 Uranium-238 per cycle
2- Chambers- Reactor
- 800 eu/t (stable up to 700 eu/t)
- Efficiency 20 (stable up to 17,5)
- only 1 type of rod
- initial cost: 24 Plutonium, 48 Uranium-238, 254.6 Copper, 76.33 Tin, 250.5 Iron, 20 Lead, 60 Gold, 20 Redstone, 2 Glowstone, 2 Lapis, 43 Rubber.
- Running cost: 48 Uranium-238 per cycle
4- Chambers- Reactor
- Gregtech only, because it's probably not efficient when using regular neutron reflectors. Which makes stating the vanilla ic2 building costs completely pointless.
- requires 4 Iridium Neutron reflectors. it's probably never going to pay back it's initial investment unless you plan on using the reflectors in a fusion reactor!
- 700 eu/t (stable up to 604eu/t)
- Efficiency 35 (stable up to 30,2)
- only 1 type of rod
- initial cost: 4 Iridium neutron reflectors + 12 Plutonium, 24 Uranium-238, 372.6 Copper, 94.3 Tin, 316.5 Iron, 28 Lead, 96 Gold, 28 Redstone, 2 Glowstone, 2 Lapis, 67 Rubber
- Running cost: 24 Uranium-238, 2 Copper, 1 Iron
- Reactor
- 1050eu/t (stable up to todo)
- Efficiency 21 (stable up to todo)
- more than 1 type of fuel rod
- initial cost: 30 Plutonium, 60 Uranium-238, 385.9 Copper, 109.3 Tin, 340 Iron, 100 Gold, 32 Redstone, 2 Glowstone, 2 Lapis, 79 Rubber
- Running cost: 60 Uranium-238, 4 Copper, 2 Iron per cycle
- I guess this one could use some refinement in terms of reducing the building cost.
6- Chambers- Reactor
- 1400eu/t (stable up to 1238eu/t)
- Efficiency 23,35 (stable up to 20,65)
- more than 1 type of fuel rod
- initial cost: 36 Plutonium, 72 Uranium-238, 462.5 Copper, 146.3 Tin, 462.5 Iron, 36 Lead, 100 Gold, 28 Redstone, 2 Glowstone, 2 Lapis, 67 Rubber
- Running cost: 72 Uranium-238, 4 Copper, 2 Iron per cycle
- Reactor
- 1300eu/t (stable up to TODOeu/t)
- Efficiency 21,65 (stable up to TODO)
- only 1 type of fuel rod
- initial cost: 36 Plutonium, 72 Uranium-238, 417.5 Copper, 130.8 Tin, 410.5 Iron, 7.5 Bronze, 31 Lead, 104 Gold, 30 Redstone, 2 Glowstone, 2 Lapis, 73 Rubber
- Running cost: 72 Uranium-238 per cycle
- Reactor
- 1900eu/t (stable up to 1670eu/t)
- Efficiency 14.6 (stable up to 12,83)
- more than 1 type of fuel rod
- initial cost: 78 Plutonium, 156 Uranium-238, 451.5 Copper, 150.8 Tin, 472.3 Iron, 1.5 Bronze, 37 Lead, 84 Gold, 20 Redstone, 2 Glowstone, 2 Lapis, 43 Rubber
- Running cost: 156 Uranium-238, 12 Copper, 6 Iron per cycle
TODO:- determine max eu/t in new reactor designs
Glad you like it!
If you heat up the design and then put all the parts in, some of the hull heat will be transferred to the components through the reactor heat exchangers. They all need to be around 85% heat for the reactor to reach it's intended state. Maybe that's it?Edit: Haha now I know why I didn't find the URL thingy, NoScript was blocking it^^
Yeah I worked out it was the heat exchangers. I forgot that their job is to make all components they are connected to, whether that be other components or the hull, have an equal percentage "brokenness". As the hull had a lot of heat and therefore brokenness and the heat exchangers didn't have any, they soaked it up presumably until they were the same percent to breaking
Everything in the main list of reactors is still current for 1.7.2 and 1.7.10, right?
Edit: Just read the changelogs for builds 500 and up... I get the impression everything has changed. Has anyone documented yet?
No, not all all. It keeps changing, so there's no point trying right now.
You can easily automate reactors with different rod size if you use AE. Just load up the reactor, start it up, wait for 5-10 minutes, and then change 2-cell rods for a fresh ones. That way 4-cell rods will expire faster, get replaced by AE import/export buses, and then, 5 minutes later, 2-cell rods will expire and get replaced too.
You can easily automate reactors with different rod size if you use AE. Just load up the reactor, start it up, wait for 5-10 minutes, and then change 2-cell rods for a fresh ones. That way 4-cell rods will expire faster, get replaced by AE import/export buses, and then, 5 minutes later, 2-cell rods will expire and get replaced too.
What's to keep AE from replacing rods with the wrong ones? Logistics Pipes or an AE Subnetwork could be used to keep the reactor stocked with the proper number of each type of rod, in which case, your setup certainly could work; but export buses alone aren't smart enough to do what you want them to do. There's nothing to keep them from replacing smaller burned-out cells with larger ones, which could easily be catastrophic.Even if you are using LP or a subnet, if your system runs out of one type of cells, but still has access to the other, it may put them in the wrong places, which could also cause problems.
What's to keep AE from replacing rods with the wrong ones? Logistics Pipes or an AE Subnetwork could be used to keep the reactor stocked with the proper number of each type of rod, in which case, your setup certainly could work; but export buses alone aren't smart enough to do what you want them to do. There's nothing to keep them from replacing smaller burned-out cells with larger ones, which could easily be catastrophic.
Looks like you didn't get the idea of timing.
First of all, it's tested and it works.
Second, AE set up to import depleted cells of both types and export fresh ones of both types.
Look:- heat vents
- double fuel rod,
- empty double fuel rod
- quad,
- empty quad
Initial load (simplified):
After 10-15 minutes replace slightly damaged dual cells
with fresh ones.
State after 2 hours 44 minutes (1 full cycle):
AE imports depleted quads (note the untouched doubles, because they're still have 15 minutes to burn):
:Uranium Cell: :Water Mill:
:Water Mill: :Wind Mill: :Water Mill: :Wind Mill:AE exports new quads into two empty slots:
:Wind Mill: :Water Mill: :Wind Mill: :Water Mill:
:Water Mill: :Uranium Cell: :Lava Cell: :Wind Mill:
:Wind Mill: :Lava Cell: :Uranium Cell: :Water Mill:
:Water Mill: :Wind Mill: :Water Mill: :Wind Mill:10-15 minutes later same repeats for doubles.
Again, it's tested and it works.
QuoteEven if you are using LP or a subnet, if your system runs out of one type of cells, but still has access to the other, it may put them in the wrong places, which could also cause problems.
First of all, if your reactor has efficiency > 3.33 - then this is not a problem, as it produces more EU than it is required to generate uranium ore out of the matter.
Second, that's your job to automate production of fuel cells. To prevent filling reactor with 4 quads, use toggle bus and level emitters: If level of certain cells drops below limit, just turn off the cable that goes to reactor. And maybe light up a red lamp in control room.For example, my closed/dedicated reactor supply line system consists of:
Mass fabcricator (constantly fed with scrap). 2 replicators - one for iron ore, one for uranium ore. 6 auto-workbench for crafting fuel, mox fuel, plutonium, dual uranium, quad uranium, dual mox. Macerator > Washer > Thermal Centrifuge. Metal former for iron plates > for cells crafting and fuel rods. Metal former for fuel rods. Canning machine. 2 uranium reactors, 4 mox reactors. Always keeps in stock 40 mox cells, 120 uranium cells of both types. Runs replicators when out of stock of anything.
Works like a swiss clock. -
To prevent filling reactor with 4 quads, use toggle bus and level emitters: If level of certain cells drops below limit, just turn off the cable that goes to reactor. And maybe light up a red lamp in control room.
For that to work, the number of cells in your AE-nework has to be related to the status of the cells in the reactor. I don't get how that would work, except if you have only 1 reactor per subsystem and that reactor doesn't use reactor heat exchangig stuff. -
Looks like you didn't get the idea of timing.
First of all, it's tested and it works.
Second, AE set up to import depleted cells of both types and export fresh ones of both types.
Look:- heat vents
- double fuel rod,
- empty double fuel rod
- quad,
- empty quad
Initial load (simplified):
After 10-15 minutes replace slightly damaged dual cells
with fresh ones.
State after 2 hours 44 minutes (1 full cycle):
AE imports depleted quads (note the untouched doubles, because they're still have 15 minutes to burn):
:Uranium Cell: :Water Mill:
:Water Mill: :Wind Mill: :Water Mill: :Wind Mill:AE exports new quads into two empty slots:
:Wind Mill: :Water Mill: :Wind Mill: :Water Mill:
:Water Mill: :Uranium Cell: :Lava Cell: :Wind Mill:
:Wind Mill: :Lava Cell: :Uranium Cell: :Water Mill:
:Water Mill: :Wind Mill: :Water Mill: :Wind Mill:10-15 minutes later same repeats for doubles.
Again, it's tested and it works.
First of all, if your reactor has efficiency > 3.33 - then this is not a problem, as it produces more EU than it is required to generate uranium ore out of the matter.
Second, that's your job to automate production of fuel cells. To prevent filling reactor with 4 quads, use toggle bus and level emitters: If level of certain cells drops below limit, just turn off the cable that goes to reactor. And maybe light up a red lamp in control room.For example, my closed/dedicated reactor supply line system consists of:
Mass fabcricator (constantly fed with scrap). 2 replicators - one for iron ore, one for uranium ore. 6 auto-workbench for crafting fuel, mox fuel, plutonium, dual uranium, quad uranium, dual mox. Macerator > Washer > Thermal Centrifuge. Metal former for iron plates > for cells crafting and fuel rods. Metal former for fuel rods. Canning machine. 2 uranium reactors, 4 mox reactors. Always keeps in stock 40 mox cells, 120 uranium cells of both types. Runs replicators when out of stock of anything.
Works like a swiss clock.
Could you post some screenshots of your setup? I'm mainly interested in the reactor, the machines directly feeding it, and the machines controlling those machines- the production and processing I could hack together easily enough.To my understanding, if you try to go the simple route and use an ME Export Bus to dump fuel cells directly into the reactor, it will make no effort to put the proper cells into the proper slots. When the dual cells expire (say the system replaced the quads correctly), the Export Bus will replace them with whatever's on hand, or with either fresh dual or quads at random (Ok, so it's probably not totally random, but I don't know what might make it prefer one over the other). If it replaces them with quad cells instead of dual cells, then you've got a reactor that's producing 1.5 times as much heat as it was designed to deal with, which could quickly lead to a meltdown. This is what I was referring to in my post. I think you misunderstood me in you last couple paragraphs- I wasn't even thinking about producing fuel.
There are, however, a few things that could make your system work, most notably the Logistics Supplier Pipe or an Applied Energistics sub-network. Either could be configured to keep the reactor stocked with a precise number of cells- in your case, two dual and two quad. Once the dual cells expire, the subnetwork (or LP network) will request two more to replace them. These will be injected into the reactor, and 10-15 minutes later, the quad cells will be similarly replaced. Which is all well and good, unless something goes wrong. Should the system fail to replace the dual cells during the 10-15 minute window before the quads burn out, it may well put a quad cell where there should've been a dual cell, potentially turning something like this Mark I into this Mark II-1, which could eventually explode if your automation keeps up with it.
i think the way it can work is to set up the reactor with a storage bus and then have a level emitter controlling the toal amount of fuel rods of each type.
Another way would be to have a level emitter for the depleted rods in the main ME network and turn on the export buses for the specific fuel rod.
Important is that it never happens that 2 different types of rods are depleted. -
i think the way it can work is to set up the reactor with a storage bus and then have a level emitter controlling the toal amount of fuel rods of each type.
Another way would be to have a level emitter for the depleted rods in the main ME network and turn on the export buses for the specific fuel rod.
Important is that it never happens that 2 different types of rods are depleted.
For a pure-AE solution, the first one is about the only way it can work- you'd normally set up a small network consisting of a controller and a storage bus on the reactor that's only connected to the main network by a Power Relay and a couple of import or export buses connected to ME Interfaces in the other network.For example, the mini-network (or sub-network in AE parlance) might only have a controller, a storage bus on the reactor, an interface set to stock a stack of empty fuel cells, and two level emitters. Attached to the Interface are two export buses and an import bus, all connected to the main network. The import bus is set to import the empty cells into the main network, while one export bus is set to fill the interface with fresh dual cells and the other with fresh quad cells. One of the level emitters (which is connected to the sub-network) is set to disable the quad-cell-exporting bus when there are more than two quad cells in the subnet (whose only storage is the reactor), and the other level emitter does the same, but with dual cells and the other export bus.
This page on the AE wiki explains the concept far better than I just did.
Alternatively, I just realized that Translocators would do the same thing just as well, but with only one or two fairly inexpensive blocks. Just attach them to an ME Interface set to stock a couple fuel cells of each type, and put a Diamond Nugget on the Translocator that's feeding the reactor before configuring it the same way.
It gets interesting when dealing with several types of fuel rods AND consumables xD