Greg, i noticed when someone brings up liquids, you go on the boring side of it, like transporting buckets...steam doesn't go in buckets...they travel by pipes...
Posts by CrafterofMany
the tritium cells are already in game, but are made from centrifuging deuterium cells, my suggestion is to make them a different way that links the fusion reactors to a fission reactor.
I am in 1.38a, tritium and deterium cells dont exist(i dont think) you seem new to gregtech, so you have the newest version, im in 1.3.2.
tritium? Another cell?... Forver alone in 1.3.2 with my friend 1.38a.... (I remembered the a this time
Can a "Friendly helper" help me? Does the newest version need F4113nb34st's core?
IDK why I hated the idea of say GT having the ability to do everything. But as time goes on I like it more and more lol.. Just because it seems like you could do a lot of fun things with liquids at a high tech level.
I still like the idea of pipes though. Pump and pipe. I don't like the idea of my fluids going through a powered machine.
Edit: don't skip on a quantum tank
1.38c doesnt even exist. There is a 1.38b, but its not released, and probably wont be released.
BC for 1.4.2 you ask? Compile it yourself if you really need it, Sengir (or whoever is now responsible for that old Stuff) wasnt motivated enough to release it.
if your mod can transport liquids and steam, then I won't need it.
Well then, shouldn't you make wire cutters a bit harder to make? Any one with NEI and iron can get into your base.
Forever alone in 1.3.2 with my good friend 1.38a
Edit: Anyone know where i could find a buildcraft in version 1.4.2?
Great addon, you earned my Yes man... Wherever he is
@spawnX, perhaps add both, as if you base was fairly close to your enemies, you wanted to blow up every single piece of their property, but not your own, you could have 3 tiers of nukes. 1. Nuke 2.plutonium nuke 3. H-bomb ( enough to destroy irridium reinforced stone but not bed rock( not to forget about the range
Edit: also the danger of a fusion explosion is a great idea.
Greg, i understand you make creative tools at Greg tech, but have you ever considered going in the destructive side of technology? I have a suggestion, a plutonium bomb. Crafted with a
In the middle and plutonium cells adjacent to the nuke and fill the corners with uranium. What do you think?
is anyone else starting to hate the popup ads on words?
@above, just curious.
this needs F4113nb34st's core for client? and is it 1.3.2?
If I reinstall Forge - it may cause lots of problems (too much mod I have installed). But if I can fix it by replasing class file, or just install new version of mod - it will work? So I'll waiting for update.
What is your first language?
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so any news on "How i met your mother"? I'm ready for it
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i agree sir above, its really awkward to use, how about something similar to the reactor planner.
Well BC and them just pretty much stopped compiling it lol. But yeah if you compile it then yeah its up.
I'm not much of a coder. almost everything on that list is in my mods folder.clay soldiers mod is not on that list and isn't updated, and i see charging pads aren't updated either.