the second one is staring quad cells while the first one only has 2 single cells.
4<2 so yea the thorium breeder is better
the second one is staring quad cells while the first one only has 2 single cells.
4<2 so yea the thorium breeder is better
dont worry
i love your writing style, and as of now this story isnt dissapointing. ( even though i know only 3 pages)
read the next part,
is every site a chapter?
or am i misstaking "As well, please keep in mind that the first few chapters aren't exactly full of action or anything suchlike, but be assured that the interesting chapters will come very soon. " with:
pfff just uplaod 5 sites with fighting, yea cliffhanger all the way, so guaranteed is that there is atleast 2 more pages of fighting next upload.??
so you are going the "manga" way off fighting, let the charakter yell out there attacks when they use them, so you can spare some more text?
The forum is REALY going slow currently, execpt Gregtech and nuclear stuff, but even the nukers are in a kind of winter sleep.
so dont worry i bet when the forum gets a bit more active againy your audience will increase again.
then these people who told you that are retarded,
i think it is great for a first design.
it has a good eff, average power, its very safe and forgiving, doesnt eat copper.
8/10 for your first design.
you used a bit to much heat exchangers and 1 or 2 unnecessary OC heat vents.
Uraniumcell put their heat directly into surrounding components so you dont need the heat exchangers that close.
(currently heat exchanger usualy get used to keep the components Balanced in heat level.)
I removed 1 chamber, the platings, 2 OC vents and 8 exchangers.
here is my improvemnt:
slightly improved the last design...
maaan maybe i should stop doing this all the time...
EDIT: nope aint gonna happen.
i just cant stop improving everything i see
well based on the experience from hundreds and hundreds of stories, next step will be to face these "things".
eizo (interesting choice in name btw) will fight them, bla bla bla.
(hhmmmm yep next time i will also name my charakter after a rather famous monitor manufacturer...)
but as Alblaka has written this story, this aint gonna happen.
(or maybe it is ? and thats the way you want to troll us?)
so my assumption is:
he is eager to face and (fight just wildly assuming they are evil) them but gets distracted by something.
either way i look forward to the release of the second chapter.
( maybe you are waiting for someone to start the discussion to publish the next stuff)
it is in the recommend part, just search for the eff 7 reactors...
protip look in the old official reactors thread..
1+ for reading the the instructions
1+ for looking at other designs
10+ for thinking of what you want
30+ for experimenting
100+ for your first design.
your first design is a very good designed reactor.
as expected from someone new in reactor development, it lacks certain parts of cost reduction.
now for an improvement:
this is one reactor that already existed, but he got forgotten.
it has only 4 chambers.
now why this desing got forgotten:
it has an extremly high maintenace cost of 88 uu per cycle.
this reduces the continueus eff down to 2.97.
so you can see it
eats up copper
like a mad man.
if you have gregtech you can use the iridium neutron reflector:
with these you still have a eff of 6.46
yes it is cheaper than omicrons design.
remaide the second one.…tawq0cxir66qdrp5wei21q4u8
Uraniumcell dont like to be lonely try to group them togheter, then the overall reactor Happiness will increase drasticly
numbers maan, what do they mean?
but seriously give us the values of these components.
very nice well written text,
i like your idea of making Reactors better.
as it uses the same ic2 api is it working with gregtechs replacer and other logistic stuff?
you dont need the reactorplanner,
my first designs where only based on the components exact values.
granted they werent as complicated as the new ones as I couldnt check on the fly if they work.
and with the Heat values of Omicron you can definitly calculate yourself new designs,
also on a side note, i hope talonius is okay, he didnt log on a single time since 2012
he didnt post any thing since 2012, but logged on a few day ago
neat what mod is AE?
i think will automate my new test plant with that
link fixed.
edited the first post.
####<APR 27, 2013 00:04:02 aM EST> <Notice> <HAYO.corp> <HAYO.corp MAINFRAME cluster 19>####
<MedRecServer> <main> <kernel identity> <211y34> <BEA-008250>
<Server started in RUNNING mode>
<exec. Announce>
HELLO everybody.
This is Skavier470 from HAYO.corp
after again a long process of analyzing mistakes, studiying other companies, we thought it would be time again to publish our new designs.
we found the Reactors that get posted everywhere, are somewhat lacking effeciency
so thats why we introduced a new Rubrik:
Energy so green it GLOWS
this will focus on the least waste in ressources possible:
The first one is a single-dual-cell hybrid:
Data Sheet:
Eu/t: 170Eu/t
Eu Total: 34.000.000
Uranium-cell per cycle: 6
Maintenece: 16 copper
GLOW-1-EA-5: the true GLOW
Data Sheet:
Eu/t: 175Eu/t
Eu Total: 35.000.000
Uranium-cell per cycle: 7
Maintenece: 0
<attached files: 5>
<Server stopped>
come one 204 eu is nothing
just take ONE look at other reactors.
nope none of them is a somthinge someone should use.
THIS is a guide on how to NOT post useless reactors.
1. look at the first page of this thread, go through the designs, the second post of this thread: HAYO CORP: Nuclear Power (FREE: Reactor Blueprints)
3.look at some more examples of reactors, ic2 and think what you REALY want from a reactor
5. ???
6. then invent some own reactors.---> PROFIT!!!
cost optmization of the reactor:
the reactor planner of your breeder isnt set to display every detail of this reactor.
new settings:
but this reactor would be a bit better:
i find it easyier to just have a stash of 1-3 cycles of cooling cells in a buffer.
so you need with a 12 coolingcell reactor you would need
12 in reaktor
x in the cooling towers
+ 48-60 cells in a buffer
if now a reactor produces 2500 heat
and you take the C00ld0wn® REV.2b-8///544/68 you have 544 cooling in 8 cells
now from these you need 5 of these now you have another 40 cells
the sixty are needed,
on average the amount of cooled cells will be 48-60 but in peak the cooling reaktors are currently cooling 40cells and the reactor is chewing slowly threw your backup of cells.
MURHPYS LAW, ALWAYS remember everything that CAN go wrong WILL go wrong.
(yes even me as a reactor specialist, master of the extreme mathematics inside advanced reactors, has lately blown his whole base up because one lever wasnt fliped to the right side)
also safety is a concern no one wants to disregard when building Reactors.
put either more lava cells in it or more components that take the heat form lava cells:
and if you improve the heat level. (1000 heat buffer zone)
cooling reactors cooldown a certain amount of heat per tick (like normal reactors)
this value is normaly around the desing writen.
reactors produce heat,
this value is in the reactor planner
now divide the heat of the reactor through the cooling of one coolingreactor.
now you have the amount of coolers ( always add some more to reduce risk)