and what should this be ? your next crater?
there is no reason to build this
also i bet that no one fiddled with the reactor on page 1.
they must have made a error in the reactor scheme
and what should this be ? your next crater?
there is no reason to build this
also i bet that no one fiddled with the reactor on page 1.
they must have made a error in the reactor scheme
thats an ineffective reaktor, and go check this
this thread was entirely made for reaktors, some of these have gregtech suff in them though
yes its easy to understand but difficult to explain.
the problem is the position of the lava cell.
the reactor componets are processed from left to right and then from up to down.
first one
cools first
then reheats to 9000
and then get the uranium heat
second one is
uranium heat first
and then only if necassary will get reheated.
so the lava cell will reheat more often in the first reactor as the lava cell will get processed before the uranium.
even if you dont consider it, it is NO ZERO running kost reactor,
yes mine still uses tin and uranium, but as EVERY reactor needs tin and uranium to run, is this irrelevant.
Copper cost is not.
sirius your designs have no "zero running cost"
they eat copper, ecept for the last one.
somthing like this?
no even that wont work kenken, the heat it produces in one tick is more than the reactor can hold.
exactly, LHZ is no longtime reactor solution, no casuc is.
CRCS or mark 1s are the solution for every longtime energy problem.
you are still burning lapis for energy, and that not even efficiently.
there is a reason why reflectors and LHZ are usualy NOGOs in reactor design.
if you build more reactors you can get the same amount of EU for next to 0 runningcost.
i think the balanced soltuion for LHZ is a hybrid that pushes the heat that it cant cool internaly to LHZ or Coolingcells.
outputs are still up to 500eu/t
remade the design more cost efficient:
its a 5 chamber reactor. cooling is still 112
cost optimized first:
optimized for a bit lower output: building cost heavily reduced
cost optimized hybrid: (first design)
cost optimized hybrid: (second design)
didnt exact calcuation and there is still room for improvments.
at the same time you can just pull the coolant cells at second 29 out of the reaktor an cool them down again= save all the tin and the processing power of the reaktor.
and what you just said summs up to one type of reaktor: CASUCS
yes it is one of the last species of CASUCS that can to this day sustainthemselves.
it only needs 12 uranium might be a typo.
still the eff is just abysmal
eff doubled uranium halfed and output is the same
condensators are bad mmmkay?
link broken
people wll not stop posting eff 7 designs, and as it is the crown of eff in reactor physics it should atleas get mentioned.
already denied as overall eff with non GREGTech items is too low.
also requia , i would suggest adding the eff 7 reactor to the start post
no it doensnt.
the entire heat from this reactor is getting sucked in by the OC heat vents.
the Heat vents can suck up all the heat the reactor producees but not cool them thats why they are exchanged: HVC
also improved the design:
does cost more like way more diamonds but can do 6 timees the normal cycle
btw we have that already, ic2 irc chat...