I call Fluid.getLocalizedName() to get the Name. If your implementation of that Function is broken by not having a Localized Name assigned to it, then it is your Problem.
I have not make a new class for that fluid. All, what have been written is:
fluidRubberTreeSap = (new Fluid("fluidrubbertreesap")).setDensity(1200).setUnlocalizedName("fluidrubbertreesap");
But it seems, i have to do so now:
public class RubberTreeSapFluid extends Fluid {
public RubberTreeSapFluid() {
public String getLocalizedName()
return StatCollector.translateToLocal("fluidrubbertreesap");
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Greg, i'm reading that:
If your implementation of that Function is broken by not having a Localized Name assigned to it, then it is your Problem.
and imagine you clenching your teeth in anger. You may just write "I call Fluid.getLocalizedName() to get the Name.". I'm not accuse you in anything. I never do so, except a moments, when i died from hot tubes on kirara. But only for a short moment. Anyway, your comment is helpful to make this addon more compatable with GregTech, so thank you.