Posts by Foghrye4

    cosmodruid, of course. Thank you for bugreport.
    Here is a new version 0.503 (i mean, attached at first page). Also fixed upgrade slots in 1.7.2, infinite powerless work bug at blower, rewrited an about 30% of collectors code. But still i don't recommend to use collectors. Sometimes they acting really strange. Fixed GregTech recipe for rubber tree sap. And, of course, fixed that bug you reported.

    You havent done it properly. Do you know the output of "getUnlocalizedName()"? It is "fluid." + FluidName. Guess why your Translation didn't work. No need for a new Fluid Class. Also every unlocalized Name must have at least 1 Dot in order to sort them properly by category (in this case "fluid." for Fluids or "tile." for Blocks or "item." for Items).

    I doesn't known that. :S Time to rewrite code again.

    I call Fluid.getLocalizedName() to get the Name. If your implementation of that Function is broken by not having a Localized Name assigned to it, then it is your Problem.

    I have not make a new class for that fluid. All, what have been written is:

    fluidRubberTreeSap = (new Fluid("fluidrubbertreesap")).setDensity(1200).setUnlocalizedName("fluidrubbertreesap");

    But it seems, i have to do so now:

    Greg, i'm reading that:


    If your implementation of that Function is broken by not having a Localized Name assigned to it, then it is your Problem.

    and imagine you clenching your teeth in anger. You may just write "I call Fluid.getLocalizedName() to get the Name.". I'm not accuse you in anything. I never do so, except a moments, when i died from hot tubes on kirara. But only for a short moment. ^^ Anyway, your comment is helpful to make this addon more compatable with GregTech, so thank you.

    By the way, after a bit of testing i couldnt tell exactly what makes the sack produce sap faster/slower. So, can you tell me what makes it produce more or less?

    Its pretty simple - script count brightness level of leaves in square 5x5 from sack position to +12 blocks. Script does not bother - if light source is artificial, or it is sunlight.
    More leaves in that range - more rubber tree sap. More light level - more rubber tree sap.
    About missing "R":

    fluidRubberTreeSap = (new Fluid("fluidrubbertreesap"))

    It seems, that Gregs code somehow transform liquid name from registry. Probably it cut 6 first letters (expecting fluid.rubbertreesap or something).

    You ate a letter and a few numbers:

    I... ate letter? 8|
    I misunderstand integer, that are reflect probability of output in GregTech API. Was thinking about %, but it is 0,01%.

    Also, your electric evaporator does not offer support for overclockers and transformers, intended?

    1.7.2 and 1.7.10 incompatability again.

    Also also, your "rubber tree" blocks does not support leaves, and those will fall.

    Thats a bug. Thank you.

    Seems like the glass box crashes the server, when an item lands on the glass box (also happens in ssp, tested with Kirara modpack)

    Wow. Confirmed. Its because i make 1.7.10 first, and when port it to 1.7.2, so i'm using IC2 network functions, what are presented in 1.7.10 and not presented in 1.7.2. I made a hotfix with glass box removed and send pm to invultri.
    P.S.: I wonder, what you guys talk about me, when its revealed on Kirara?

    Wow a second Russian person with random hate against the moderators. I had one of those too, he talked to me as if I understand Russian, I told him to translate it to me since Google Translate resulted in things I couldn't understand at all, then he replied with random racial hatred. Man, Nazis are very stupid nowadays.

    I think it could be a same troll. And also i think he can be not quite russian.

    Btw, about the Russian stuff, I, even if I'm part Russian, I think that all this shit that is happening to us atm is quite bad, because of the russian propaganda, a lot of Russians think badly of westerners, and the worst is that they think we are fascist -.-'.

    I don't know a single person, who think, that all westerns are fascists. More of that - russian propaganda especially accent, that we are "empire of evil" only in eyes of western government, not a ordinary people.

    But enough about politics. Those things totally ruin my mood. X(

    Got a pretty weird bug with build 500, rubber tree sap cell can be made from any fluids?

    Confirmed, that by using Thermal Foundation Fluid transposer you can gain rubber tree sap cell from rubber tree sap cell and rubber tree sap. Bug was caused by a reason that i extend ic2 empty cell class. Don't do that, guys! It's bad! Bug fixed.

    Also opening the gui of evaporator crashes the game:

    Confirmed rubber tree sap texture bug. Fixed. Cannot repeat crash on GUI open, thought. May be was caused by texture bug.

    Thank you for a bug report.

    1.7.10: ACE GUI repaired and extended with 4 buttons. ACE now can retrive collectors in range of 64 blocks. Collectors now work with any tile entity with IInventory interface (almost any). Fixed industrial fan bug. Added new method of gaining sticky resin. Added "glass box" (a cheap alternative of ThraumCraft's hungry chest). Harvester's idle energy consume now one time per second (not per tick as before).

    EDIT: 1.7.2 version released as well.

    My suggestion is to make the collector have two modes...

    Lemme first finish rewriting water source moving algorithm and get rid of hoppers in collectors AI. I'm playing on Kirara too lot.

    Edit: Bug report, the IHL ACE gui is broken, the charge bar doesnt fill up and glitches when reaching 32k EU (going negative value). No energy is lost though as it is a visual bug.

    One more thing to do. Thank you.