Posts by Foghrye4

    While Hoppers into and outof Coke Ovens arent that bad (they only check 2 Slots), they are usually placed en mass. Best would be to have a GT Pipe going from one Chest into all Coke Ovens.

    That a valuable information. How did you find out that?
    For example i use that function in "collectors":

    Hope, everything is alright. Is it?

    I don't know if you have fixed this already, but on kirara I found a bug that deletes items when retrieving a collector while it is holding any item.

    Yes, found that. Its a heavy collector version, right? That caused, because i forgot to override one function from "normal" collector class. "Hotfix" version is released (0.493-1.7.2). Wait, until invultri would update server.


    Quote from epix

    i'm using ihl-tools_n_machines-0.495-1.7.10 and it still crash the game by make ThermalFoundation-[1.7.10]1.0.0B1-2 failed to register entity id 72. seems similar to wormzjl's crash report

    I have found two things, that i didn't know before:
    1. Function "EntityRegistry.findGlobalUniqueEntityId()" ridiculously buggy,
    2. There is only 256 free IDs (according FML source from MC 1.6.4) 8| .

    But somehow i managed to beat that bug. Version ihl-tools_n_machines-0.496-1.7.10 works with ThermalFoundation-[1.7.10]1.0.0B1-2 (at least at SMP on my assembly).

    Hello, it seems that the entities in this mod are not registered properly, causing other mods to crash.
    more info can be found at

    I have tried my best, attempting to localize that bug and remove it. Would you be so kind, to download version 0.495-1.7.10, try it again with those mods and tell me results?

    Very interesting and promising addon.

    Thank you.

    Are you going to implement any other cool toys/features?


    Is there any specific direction you want to go?

    I'm aiming to a maximum realism of my devices. That all. No any specific direction.

    Just something related to extended water physics: It works a bit strange and is generally slow, too slow.

    I will try to fix that, if i understand, how it should be looking. At first - strange part. Describe, what you find strange. Second - slow part. This may be caused by slow server TPS, also water work faster, than lava, because i want to give player time to run away.
    Remember, that this feature is completely server-side related and can easily be turned off (without nessesary config sync). If this thing is too annoying, just ask invultri about that (to set enableExtendedLiquidPhysics=false). Of course, it needed server to be restarted, sorry about that.

    Hm... digging in code, i find out, that you couldn't block liquid movement by placing a block on its way. This?

    Another thing I've found is that the collectors run out of EU in a matter of seconds, is it because it's 20.0k EU storage rather than 20000 EU?

    No, it because i'm screwed up. Setting energy before max storage.
    You know, you are really good in this. In beta-testing. :thumbup: Thank a lot.
    A first slot of tunnel bore is for batteries, second one - for mining pipes.
    I really hope GregoriusT will update his addon soon, because i'm moving a longer and longer from 1.7.2.
    New version 0.493-1.7.10 attached to first page.

    It is a really strange, because i use a constantant IDs started from 546542.
    Also nobody register entities from client proxy, including CrazyPants:…/enderio/
    Where is no entity registry invoke at line 304.
    Give me a link to those "EnderIO" mod, so i could repeat that crash. Also try to update your EnderIO to a last version. Currently i completly have no idea how to fix that, espetially there is no reference to IHL in your crash log.

    You typically ignore it, amount already accounts for it with the energy (amount) being voltage*current (*1 tick). It's for special purposes, not the average machine.

    I'm aiming to handle overload mostly outside the block to keep it consistent. The voltage parameter is suitable to e.g. let a lamp glow brighter or auto-transformers.

    Thank you for answer. You aiming for concept - more voltage - more faster work machine? So instead of "upgrade" item and "transformer" item we use a machine specified item in special slot - as "lv motor" "mv motor" or "lv heating coil" for furnance and so on?

    I created a IHL version for latest IC2. Go on and check it for bugs (it is named ihl-tools_n_machines-0.492-1.7.10.jar ).
    Eh, i wish someone make this work instead of me. I wish ic2 developers just take my machines and implement them in ic2 itself.

    How should i use a variable "voltage" in

    double injectEnergy(ForgeDirection directionFrom, double amount, double voltage)

    in new IC2 API? Should i make so, that my machines would explode themselves, if voltage is exceeded maximum level for current tier? Or this variable is nessesary only for transformators or so?