Copper ore has been in IC2 before we had 4096 block IDs with Forge. Lead hasn't.
Posts by Chocohead
Who'd of thought one bee could have caused so much trouble
Sorry about that, the file doesn't have the version in the name (bad practice).
Gregtech does that too -
Course I'm sure it's just another ploy to appease the FTB crowd.
I expect so
What does the Jaded Bee produce anyways?
It's not what it produces, but what traits the bee itself has. It's a combination of a bee from a end hive and the bee with the longest life span. This gets you a longest lifespan but more crucially maximum pollination bee. The combs off jaded bees just give purple dye
Who needs doctors when you have suffering in bed with your mum waiting on you?
Download latest version from the advanced machines thread. Looks the same but is apparently different.
If it isn't too much to ask, it would be nice to have liquid storage in machines such as the Industrial Grinder, so that I can just pump water to it instead of having to supply cells.
As a corollary to this, though, some elements and compounds, such as mercury or sodium persulfate, would need to have liquid blocks. Would be awesome with mystcraft (mercury oceans).
I guess, ultimately, the embrace of Universal Liquid Cells would be very cool.
Bad example, water can already be pumped into the iGrinder -
Forestry's so called full proof method of only jaded cat being able to get jaded bees is somewhat flawed with MultiMC's offline mode
You going to base edit Minecraft, cos with no MCP/modloader/forge you're going to have to
What kinds of mods add oil, other than BuildCraft? I need a good place to start.
Galactricraft for space craft fuel. -
Aren't Banhammers one-handed?
Not lightening rod based banhammers. -
Blue one then. The white stands out too much.
What are they for? I like the blue background better but the white one would work in some situations.
For the second one of those, how about this for the diamond strapped peoples?
Debt is not a good present
Not sure how many people would accept presents from you anyway Greg. Knowing you, you'd probably send them nerfs, like smaller Christmas tree or need to get a blast furnace to cook a turnkey
Well, I'm not Christian, so....
I'm not but still have ChristmasIt's about the presents not the Jesus fable.
Mock exams in January -_-. It sucks, as I'm supposed to be on a holiday, but I have to spend it revising.
You have to revise not only in holidays, but at Christmas too? That sucks bad. Really bad. -
I'll keep posting for you so you'll have to do both
What you revising BTW?