We need a nuclear control app so you can monitor your server / AFK single player reactor on the move
I predicted the future
We need a nuclear control app so you can monitor your server / AFK single player reactor on the move
I predicted the future
A lit TNT entity?
The only way to find out is to try
Where do you get 0.04 UU from? Also, if this was vanilla IC I can't see a problem in using one block as lots of machines. This is end game IC2 after all.
Looking at your example item costs, cobble is WAY to expensive. Iron is seems overly priced too compared to copper.
Values should be split at 49 down and 50 up. 1103 is not very close to 1200 is it?
The MF goes very quickly with scrap which is normal, but if I haven't read wrong, a stack of scrap boxes in a few seconds isn't intended.
As for the pipes, without a screenshot of them, all I can think is that the recyclers are full or the iron pipe is the wrong way round.
Scrap boxes are the same as 9 scrap, so provide no benefit, past getting 9x as much scrap in at once.
Scrap reduces the amount of energy needed for UU so yes, you get more UU for the same energy. Basically, with no scrap, UU needs 1million EU. With scrap, it needs 166,666EU.
How about textures/GUI/GUICanner in the zip? Maybe it wasn't updated to assets folder?
I guess that's fair as it is your own work but, if you do leave it for good will you still not give it to anyone (like IC)?
Getting Advanced Gens on its own is an achievement. His other mods are much smaller. Especially bio diamonds
5880 windmills? Probably them checking if there's stuff around them and randomly changing output. That'd probably do it
Sorry for double posting but wanted to update on my statues for updating the mod. I have kinda successfully decompiled advanced generators. And also, I will decompile the unofficial core update later when I have time.
We don't care about double posts when it comes to abandoned mods updating
Kinda sounds patchy, but better than anyone before you. Make the lucky mod gods shine upon you.
Seen it, already be suggested I believe but for forge multi part itself, it's either long over due or pointless. Multiple torches in 1 block = pointless while Multiple buttons = good. Does it do signs? Still think immibis micro blocks are better for automatic mod support though
I'm still on 1.4.7 Ain't no good replacement for managers, RP all the way.
1.6.X, no one is serious about 1.5 any more anyway.
Chocohead: Done
In the next IC2 Version for 1.6.2 is Luminator switchable by wrench and redstone
There's a next one? Is it going to be IC2 500-If or 402?
Been sick for a several weeks I am mostly recovered and caught up on RL stuff so I can start on this again.
Yay, I always found silent death an ironic thing for being MIA. Good to see you back
Use 1.6! it is the future (without redpower, but its the future :P)
No Redpower = No world update
No world update = Me no update.
Might start a new world with Gregtech, though i have no idea if I could config it enough to quit nerfing stuff
I can wait. Going on holiday for 2 weeks on Thursday myself. Got internet, but no actual Minecraft
We don't care, we just want better luminators