Awww, no GT update?
Maybe later
Awww, no GT update?
Maybe later
Servers had a quick upgrade to ihl 502a this fixes the crash issues.
Display MoreI looked through your modlist in the crash:
remove: Gregarmor (not used anymore)
morpheus (only server side mod)
you are missing mobspawncontrol and guilib (but i am not sure if you really need it clientside)
also the undergroundbioms download for 0.6g is in the link (currently 5. download) and you need the correct version to join the server.
Sounds like a good start, mob spawn control and guilib are required. However, since we are not using it I think I will remove it next update.
I accidentally distributed the irc config files, this is not a big deal but now we have fake kirara irc bots joining the irc channel. I have uploaded a new without them. Please delete the eirairc.cfg file and eirairc folder.
Update completed
Gregtech to 5.03j
invultri, you should move the qCraft portals at 0.0 to the spawn hut instead and tell newcomers to use them.
That is a good idea actually. I will see to it.
Hello All,
I have started whitelisting people again, if I was unable to find your application in my inbox please resend it.
About the server, is there still issues ?
When it's fixed can I join you guys ^^.
Yes. Tomorrow I will add public portals between 1 and 3 and 2 and 3, after that I will whitelist the waiting people. They will have to play on either 2 or 3, 3 is gregtech + vanilla terrain gen and 2 is pfaa terrain gen.
We need Opis on Server 2 and 3 too. We still have the Arrow Problem and I need a working /killall command for those.
Opis is on all servers.
Although the multiserver setup is very inelegant, I love how it is working out.
Something to test out:
[WIP|1.7.10] FastCraft 1.0 (FastCraft by Player) (should improve all sorts of fun things)
That at least looks interesting, lets test it soon (tm)
Oh and Inv, you copied the Player.dat Files from K2 over to K3, what resulted in me ALMOST getting suffocated in a Wall like you did. But I was faster with typing the Creative Mode Command.
And my Inventory got duped through this copying, but I deleted the K3 Copy of my Inventory.
I dont know why but when I teleported to BA to enable his Portal i lagged horribly, and that even though he had only Chests and a Furnace over there, so I guess it is location dependant Lag or it is because BA was moving all the time (since he was the only thing what synced just fine...)
Who else besides BA is playing on that server, for some reason a couple (not all...) of the player files have been copied.
I think I can open the gates again soon, like later this week. Looks like the multiserver setup is working.
I can freely move on that whole second Server and even go mining (but I still didn't find any Redstone...), only Server one and three are making me massive Problems, that is why I am not wanting to pay another 20 € for 5GB, since that would also be a waste for just a week.
Why would you have more issues on server 3 than on server 2? It is even more empty.
Update completed
Carpenter's Blocks v3.2.6 - MC
gregarmor due to a bug that is wasting players resources. Will be re-enabled once the bug is fixed.
PFAA stone is now twice the hardness (and halved the explosion resistance)
Thrid server:
There is now a third server running, this server uses the gregtech ore generation and no PFAA/UB stone at all. Mods are present on this one, stones can be imported from the other servers. Server port is: 25567 .
Updating gregtech soon, real soon (5.03h).
Gregtech 5.03g
Everyone may verify portals.
Well... now confirmed by myself and another player:
The qCraft inter-server portal verification link disappears after a server restart and then must be re-verified by an admin (aka you or greg). I suppose this is not intended.
That is indeed not intended. I even made sure the chunks of the portal are now chunkloaded.
Ore gen is now disabled.
No Immimbis Core.
Incorrect java version actually ...
Warning for BloodyAsp: You should disable your Lava, Glowstone and Redstone Centrifuges. Forced Fluid Support is incoming.
Updating gregtech to 5.03d.
Currently the best setup (energy profit wise) is to use coke ovens to make the charcoal and then turn it into alumentum. You get 1.5 extra charcoal every 2.5, thus a rough 60% energy efficiency increase
Every coke oven is 26 tile entities. I rather use the setup above