Posts by SeNtiMeL

    if i use SMP version 3.0 server and client crash with error " Internal exception: Received string length longer than maximum allowed (19 > 16)" It's error on all machines. Fix in code in server version: function getInvName() return string must <16. In client version not need to change.

    First of all Thanks for keeping the adv. solar Panels alive. That being said, in regards to the recipe, My issues with it are that A it requires a mass fabricator to be up and running just to make it the sunnarium. I can maybe see using sunnarium for the Hybrid, instead of :Iridium:. And maybe using :Iridium: instead of UU-matter in the sunnarium recipe. Just spit balling what I think would be more balanced, I think it should at least look symmetrical. BUT what really annoys me is the red diamond, Making an energy crystal would only cost 2 more redstone... not really a big deal, but most importantly, using an energy crystal wouldn't be adding a new item and taking an item ID for something that looks the same as the energy crystal, and is only cheaper to make by 2 redstone dust than energy crystal... I'm really not THAT strapped for redstone. ;)

    I replace Red Crystal with RedDiamond because RedCrystal no stack. It is especially critical when do at once more than 30 adv solar panels. My idea create Red Crystals and Lapatrons stackable and use it only for craft items. For transfer energy use batbacks (make 3 type batbaks, 100 000, 300 000, 1 000 000). Ablaka hasn't supprot this idea. Try to create 8 MFSU with nonstackable crystals (48 lapatrons and 32 red crystals)...It's realy crazy. Here on it was and the red diamond is added. WIth minecraftforge additional IDs for items is no problem.

    I think the costs are totaly worth it, its good that they are expensive!

    i just want an option in the config to regulate the normal solarpanals as well! would that be possible? or to regulate the time between tick that i could say: each 5sek = 1 tick (to reduce cpu usage for SMP)

    greets Odai

    Not need now. Many CPU time used function to check clear sky. Now source code is optimized. Tickrate set up at raw IC code. And change only for solar panel can do unstable work for other electric device.

    I agree with you. Free energy must cost expensive. In real life solar panels is too expensive in comparison with the usual generators.

    The fact that it takes 12 Million EU to create the UU-M your recipe requires is not "opinion" it's a fact. It's also a fact that the panel needs to run for 200 minutes before it will pay off that investment at all.

    Respectfully, the only people who will use such an add-on are people who are bad at math, or who are blind to the concept of cost to benefits ratio. I don't mean to flame you, but your recipes are not sensible in the least. They seem to be made by someone who feels that basic solars are too cheap and need to be made more costly, without any thought as to balancing what you get in return.

    Yea need 12 million EU, but it's no problem for advanced stage of game. This panels created for this stage and replace other power source. Do you craft quantum suit on early stage ??? I think, no.

    You need to carefully read my previous post until the math is clear to you, because one solar panel should not require energy from a nuclear reactor to make and no generator should have to run for three hours before it starts providing a return on its investment.

    Time for craft rather. The advanced panels are created to replace both a nuclear reactor, and other power supplies. And on game initiation stages it is not expedient to create them !

    Quote from 'HeadHunter67

    To summarize, I respectfully submit that these recipes were poorly considered. The author obviously thought it would be "cool" to make the recipes require exotic materials without giving any thought to the fact that one must dedicate the full output of a Nuclear Reactor to make a solar panel. Does this sound absolutely absurd to anyone but me?

    But you receive free energy and no need fuel... Sorry this recipe is final. It is tested on my server about 1 month and some users no problem craft more than 150 advanced panels..
    For me and my users this is balanced recipe...

    I also used the original addon, but i'm not sure i'll use this as it seems kinda unbalanced.

    It do not agree. Craft recipe is balanced for output power and not so much expensive. If you want more output power, you can change it in config file. I use this addon in my own IC2 + BC server. 95% users support this recipe. In my world i created about 800 advanced solar panels (no cheats) and 8 massfab. Now i replace all advanced to hybrid solar panels ~ 160 hybrid panels.

    Hi people,
    It's not my full own mod. This addon based on "Icedfire" Advanced SolarPanel v1.2. But his version of addon not support Multiplayer and not update. I full rewrite source code and add multiplayer support, fix misc bugs, optimized source code. Now panels work fine and no lags and bugs !
    About this mod:
    Name: Advanced Solar Panel
    Version: 3.5.1

    Addon have 2 sets of recipes: "Normal" mode and "Hard" mode ! (Changes in config file)

    Advanced Solar Panel
    Generate: 8 eu day, 1 eu night and rainy days.
    Internal storage: 32 000 eu
    Output: 32 eu
    Charge slots: 4 (you can charge 4 electric device simultaneously)

    Hybrid Solar Panel
    Generate: 64 eu day, 8 eu night and rainy days.
    Internal storage: 100 000 eu
    Output: 128 eu
    Charge slots: 4 (you can charge 4 electric device simultaneously)

    Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panel
    Generate: 512 eu day, 64 eu night and rainy days.
    Internal storage: 1 000 000 eu
    Output: 512 eu
    Charge slots: 4 (you can charge 4 electric device simultaneously)
    After many years of researches in the field of quantum physics our scientists have opened new properties of irridium. In a combination with Sunnarium efficiency of transformation of solar energy increases in 8 times, but there is more to come, transformation of light from weak sources grows already in 6 times!!! On the basis of a new hybrid material we represent ours model of the solar panel. An energy output in day - 512 еу, at night and rainy days 64 еу!!!

    Quantum Solar Panel
    Generate: 4096 eu day, 2048 eu night and rainy days.
    Internal storage: 10 000 000 eu
    Output: 8192 eu
    Charge slots: 4 (you can charge 4 electric device simultaneously)
    After long years of researches of a quantum matter we could reach unknown heights in quantum physics. And now we can offer our most perfect solar panel! With the new quantum core, we were able to improve the generation of energy in dark time by 4 times! An energy output in day - 4 096 еу, at night and rainy days 2048 еу!!!

    Now addon is absolutely configurable! You can change all specification (genDay, genNight, storage and etc) in config file. If you think that some panels is overpowered, you can disable craft recipe in config file !!!

    Screenshot of Advanced Solar Panels GUI:

    Quantum Generator
    This is top tech of Quantum physics ! We are receive this gift from alien civilization. After many years of researches of reverse engineering we could not find way to reproduce this technology.
    This top generator was created for "map makers" and "server admins" who need infinite customize power source (it's no crafting recipe) ! Yea guys, is it's fully customize ! 8o You can change energy output and maximum packet size (for use with different cables) in GUI menu. Sample: we need make energy output 5120 eu and transfer it through "glass fiber cable". Glass fiber cable accept only 512 eu. We need setup in Quantum Generator "Output" is 5120 and setup "max packet size" to 512. Now "Quantum generator" emits 10 packets with 512 eu in tick. You can transfer this EU through copper cables if you setup "max packet size" to 32 8) You can disable all generation through Redstone signal.
    Also if you press "Left Shift" and click on buttons all values = x 100;

    Quantum generator GUI

    Solar Helmets
    -> Can charge all electric items in Inventory (charging algorithm: first charge armor, second others items in inventory)
    -> Advanced Solar Helmet, based at nano helmet ! (generate same as Advanced Solar Panel)
    -> Hybrid Solar Helmet, based at quantum helmet (Generate same as Hybrid Solar Panel)
    -> Ultimate Solar Helmet, based at quantum helmet (Generate same as Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panel)
    -> Only 1 special ability of quantum helmet - underwater supply. Other abilities is off because solar panel replace this modules

    Bonus recipe DoubleSlab for more convenience of construction:

    Sphax purebdcraft style pack (128x) by Zernicalo :…-quantum-generator-update

    Old versions:
    Download old versions here


    For all those who want to use my addons in their mods pack, I give permission to use all my addons. You don't need pm me about it !

    Download new version for Minecraft 1.7.10 and IndustrialCraft 2-2.2.x Exp. (addon is Universal for client and server):

    But you see, crystals are expensive items, making the function they provide even more expensive doesn't make much sense at all. Rename and redraw crystals to batteries if that is the case. Still doesn't change a single thing.

    Crystals are used for energy storage AND as a crafting ingredient.

    Yea it's expensive, but you can craft it only if you need craft machines. For other you can yous batpacks. Try to craft 10 MFSU and i look at you :D In my industrial world more than 50 MFSU and 750 advanced solar panels. And for craft it take very longggg time.

    Many people face inconvenience with craft MFSU, MFE and other item's using energy crystals and lapatron's in craft recipe, because this item's no stack (have charched state). Sample for craft 8 MFSU need 48 lapatrons and 32 red crystals and this item's no stacking (((. My Idea make energy crystals only for craft items (with stack as diamonds). For transfer energy use only batpacks. Maybe 3 type: 100 000, 300 000, 1 000 000. It will be more rational and it is convenient.

    Epic idea ! Industrial world be really industrial. I have some idea for this mod. Be better if you add custom size of TBM Machine (configurable tunnel 3 * 3, 5 * 5). Add energy support (epic machine must use huge EU's for work. Maybe add MFSU block to machines for work it). Add chest's for collect resources and 3 chest for filling material (chest with stone or other material, chest with lights (torches, glowstone...), chest with rails). If no materials in chest tunnel not filling, but if lava and water in way, TBM use collected resources (cobblestone or dirt) for fill it. Maybe add pump support in TMB.

    Before adding this expensive recipe i ask all players on my server about it. 80% players agree with it. But in my server i setup output day power at 10 eu (output also as GeoGen). For generate 14 UU-M (with scrap) i use Nuclear Reactor and 1 UranIgnot. For create scrap may use cobblestone generator with Miner and Diamond Drill + OD Scaner).