Posts by Kye_Duo

    Well then thank you very much SpwnX, I have long wanted an easy alternative to torches. I don't mind running luminators or even glowstone for my base, but I get real tired of filling my mine shafts with torches.

    actually, torches can be a great method for finding your way back
    just put them on the same side as you are going in, many use the right. then you just keep them on your left as you leave.

    Another thing that you could do later (as i already suggested before), is to make all engines adjustable, with the only difference be the maximum EU/t and MJ/t (so higher tiers are just able to convert more EU into MJ, per tick).
    That way i dont have to make a super EV engine to properly convert only a few EU for MJ (for example, forestry farms that doesnt need so much MJ, while the LV one is more than enough).

    default numbers from the original are 1:5:10 MJ/t for the slow:regular:fast engines

    and that is the problem with the original setup. it wasn't consistent. it treated EU/t as voltage (as did most people) with the P/t as amperage but never really put limits on the amps over the line. There was some advantage in increasing the "voltage" EU/t to higher levels for long distance transmission, but there was no limit to the lines amperage. and, you are right the units don't make sense, but this is MC not RL. You don't talk about line differences in terms of wattage either.
    the game is still inconsistent but it'll prob slide more than the old way as people sorta get used to it.

    That power system exist(ed) already... it's called Blutricity. ;)

    And what a beautiful system it was. Nipped in its infancy by a lack of mod updates and APIs/usage permissions. Oh Eloraam, what could have been if you had found a maintainer... ;(

    I don't think it's the right route for IC2 though. EUs are absolutely iconic in Minecraft, and such a massive redesign would probably not go over well.

    actually, it already is undergoing a massive redesign
    the old way did have an "amps" of sort, they were called packets. the experimental version yanked the multiple packets and turned the power grid from parallel connections to serial.

    Actually he is completly right. The Current also flows through the Insulation and therefor increases the Resistance. Just google it, if you want confirmation.

    you sure you're not confusing that with the bigger impact of inductive losses caused by insulation and AC properties?

    We should have both Voltage and Amperage. As Voltage Rises, amperage decreases and thus so does the Resistivity, giving a reason to step up voltages.

    adding amperage would also let you change the current setup of just adding to the voltage when adding more power sources. going from series to parallel connections, which is what we are visually doing in most cases.

    How about let's use the real world way, decrease resistance by decreasing the amount of insulation. However this comes at a cost - anything nearby is fried.

    wth are you smoking? insulation has no bearing on the resistance, not unless you are putting insulation on connectors, but that would be stupid

    Arguing about costs is gonna end nowhere. Accept it as an intentional nerf (as omicron said).

    Tiers are not just numbers. Higher tier output 4 times more EU/t and holds 10 times more energy than previous one and allows the charging of items of higher tiers.

    Removing losses are just out of question.
    Armor now lats 10 times longer and it did discharge for me before, you just sat in your base, if compared to an adventurer.

    No kidding, I've almost emptied a quantum helmet fighting the wither by myself before (in 1.4.7)
    and don't both nano and quantum helmets now have night vision built in or was that just quantum?

    What about letting us lower the losses by bundling the cable?
    1 strand = current losses
    2 strand = 1/2
    4 strand = 1/3
    up to whatever you feel would be right.
    the Glass fiber couldn't be stranded for obvious reasons, though if you want to IDC.
    and maybe increase the voltage capabilities for the wires at a 1:4 rate, ie 1 level increase for every 4 strands or something
    that way we'd have a way of using alternatives to glass fiber without nerfing it in terms of resource costs.
    oh, I do have to ask, does uninsulated HV cable still shock you like it did pre-experimental? I've got a mob farm that uses the HV cable embedded in CF like a bug zapper and I'd really hate to lose it.

    Like this?

    Also, I'm gonna stop coding for now. I just spent about two hours working on guis... I got the code in. But, the engines won't respond to the gui. And no, I am not edit the buildcraft code using a core function.

    MUCH better. though it should be like the wooden pipe with the red stripes being a constant hue, and it should be just black and yellow where it was wooden (brown) on the stock BC pipe.
    I'm glad to hear that you aren't modifying BC code to make these work.
    nice work!

    If something's open source, then you should be allowed to adjust it to fit your purpose. As long as it doesn't break anything else, I can't see what's wrong :P

    the BC team no longer supports those two mods because the mods were modifying the BC base code. I don't want this mod to go that way. I have no idea if modifying the class counts.
    I think what those mods were doing was trying to get rid of the power perdition in the engines/converters. We can get around that with some fancy math that compensates for that loss to keep the conversion rate at 5:2 (or close enough to it that it isn't noticeable except at extreme power levels)