Posts by Kye_Duo

    Hasn't there already been blackouts covering relatively big parts of US?

    several, but they aren't caused by the same thing each time and the happen at least a decade or more apart.
    the only thing that will make the elec industry do a complete overhaul voluntarily is a cheap, easy to use/install, all/room temp superconductor wire.

    Many of those 120V appliances could be recycled and re-purposed into 240V counterparts with some ease. You could make a tax incentive out of the recycling of every appliance you have in order to save on the overhead cost of switching out to the new system, as well as rewarding companies that help put forth the effort to assist in the conversion. This way, the middle class could benefit from a grid upgrade as well, as they get to keep what they invested into their appliances residentially, as well as encourage people to actively invest into the updating of the news infrastructure by getting more businesses to work on changing their power distribution.

    I'm not saying updating the US grid would be easy, but it is something we ought to consider. And that many jobs added to the economy could help pull our middle class out of this recession. Linemen make pretty good money, and if we wisely recycle and reuse some of what's pre-existing, much of the overhead cost can be mitigated. Sure, it may take a couple of decades to complete, but as aged as our infrastructure is already, it is of serious concern to the U.S. public...

    yeah, and in those decades you'd have massive confusion for people undergoing the change and plenty of people would kill their electronics. Not to mention you'd have to have some sort of dual type power grid in the homes to deal with the switch over. You couldn't flip everyone at once and you couldn't leave the power off for the weeks it would take to replace all the panels, breakers, and meters in even the small sections they could take down.
    While I do agree that the power infrastructure needs improvements, unfort too many people won't take the expense until a crisis happens and they'll be the same ones that bemoan why nothing happened to fix the problem beforehand.

    Probably because they are too greedy to put up the money to update it to a safer system to work with...

    or they realize that it would be impossibly expensive due to the size of the infrastructure to update. Every and I mean EVERY transformer and substation would have to be updated, not to mention every appliance would have to be replaced (or a power converter purchased). then you'd have a ton of garbage from all the chargers, appliances, and main line transformers that would have to be thrown away.
    Plus many line transformers aren't mass produced and take months to make, some at least a year.
    It is just too late to update the US power grid to 240V.

    Ok, I'll give you that. I've heard it's like a baseball bat being hit directly to where you make contact at...

    across the fingers it was weird. Tingly, a bit spastic, and hurty. :P

    btw, You wouldn't happen to be an IBEW member, by any chance?

    IBEW? no, AE actually who sometimes tinkers with electricity.

    No, if you are part of the circuit, you are fucking dead. No joke, I know many cases where electricians were working on wires, and didn't realize the cables were still live. Once they accidentally grabbed the live ends of the wire, they were cooked in mere seconds...

    This is on 120V American, mind you...

    that depends on what part of you is the circuit, if it never goes through your heart or head you're ok, you'll still be hurting. I've been shocked by 120 before, it is not fun even when it was just fingers. (Never try to plug in a cord by feel with your fingers touching the prongs.)

    Try overcharging a Li-Ion battery (your cellphone battery) and see what happens... [just look on youtube for a video]

    seen them, they aren't taking 120 and putting it to the battery, which doesn't behave the same as DC. hmmm, sounds like an episode of least one of the mini-myths episodes.

    or value your life :pinch:

    circuit breaker should trip before you do anything bad, as well as it will only hurt if you are part of the circuit
    CIRCUIT BREAKERS! we need circuit breakers! that would be an awesome block/cable to have so we can prevent machines from blowing up
    btw, your cell phone won't explode but it will be fried, at least for those of us on 120 lines.

    I would love to. :D Anyone wanna make me a texture for it? :D I could also do it myself...

    I would but I'm still in 1.4.7 so I have no idea how to make textures for 1.6.2
    EDIT: I know what I can do, I can pull the Wooden conductive texture out of the BC for 1.6.2 and use that as a starting point.
    Btw, what are you going to limit the HV pipe to? I'd like to know so I can take the closest conductive pipe texture and merge the two together.