Got an idea about long energy transportation. Special kind of energy network just for long distance transportation.
EDIT: Forgot to mention this is ment to allow energy transport over unloaded chunks without wireless magic. With proper energy lines stretching 1000 blocks.
Input transformer
Output transformer
Special cable (can be multiple tiers along with transformers above)
List for each grid (virtual database)
When placing the Input transformer, it gets assigned an ID number X and acts as a source of power for the grid. It is also written into a List as a powersource.
Then you have to lay the Special cable all the way to your destination with NO FORKS.
The first cable block checks the ID of connected Input transformer and gets the same number.
Next cable block checks the ID of previous cable block and gets the same number too, creating an energy grid with same ID number X. Also, when assigned an ID, the cable block checks other connected cable blocks and if it finds one without assigned ID, it triggers its call for an ID. //So if you connect proper cable to a bunch of orphan cables, they get assigned one by one
Last block is Output transformer, again with the same ID number. It is also written into the List as powerdrain.
Input transformer and Output transformer have to be chunkloaded. Cables do not.
When the grid is completed, you can safely assume it's intact and ready to work.
Broken cable scenario:
When cable block is broken, it marks its neighbour cable blocks with a Flag (creating two cable endings). These 2 Flagged blocks get added to the List above with their coordinates. The grid shuts down.
To repair it, you have to connect cables back to these Flagged blocks. When connecting a new cable block to this Flagged one, it follows the same procedure as above, but the Flag gets moved to this new block (in the List too), because we have a new cable ending.
When two of these Flagged cable blocks meet, the grid knows it has been reconnected, the Flags are removed and everything works again.
Special cases:
Placed cable blocks with no Input transformer or assigned cable blocks around them have no ID assigned and become orphan blocks. They have to wait for assigning avalanche described above.
IF a newly placed cable block finds two neighbours with different ID, a wild explosion of both Input transformes (that you just connected together) is imminent.
IF a newly placed cable block finds two neighbours with same ID but not Flagged, you've connected your fork back to the grid and a short circuit happens. (you can't make forks this way)
IF you try to place a second Output transformer, you add second Powerdrain to the List and the grid shuts down (you have to end one grid and create two new grids to make a fork)
Broken Flagged block is erased from the List.
I have for sure forgotten some special cases that could happen, but right now it seems to me this might work.