Any chance u can add extratrees? I know extrabees will fk up gregtech but trees should be fine. Im not rly bothered if u cant, but would be nice if its possible.

[Kirara 3.0] - A series of well-made GT hardmode servers. --- Official Random Thread.
Regarding Bloody's idea, at the point it would have been a good idea, except for a few things:
1. We do have not only one but two extra slots, in addition to KHC and KR. K1 is unplayable so that even INVICTRA & CO aren't playing anymore on it. I guess it could b fixed somehow by deleting regions or something, but this might need some time to do. K2 has been empty for months. If we were to consider this kind of thing it could be run on the same server, and it would be less administrative work to maintain.
2. I'm just serving as Arch's representative while he is gone, and can't make a drastic decision like this in his absence without consulting him that would spread out the playerbase in this way from his server.
3. I'm skeptical about RTG as well, since there are still issues with the biome transitions, which makes it look rather ugly, and I acknowledge there are points with Ishi's criticism, however I remain hopeful that it could turn out better in future releases, but I don't have any time estimates or know if these issues will ever be fixed. As such this could well mean that all would remain playing on ATG indefinitely.
Lastly, after some experimentation during the weekend we have come up with an CC + ATG + Extra biomes configuration that solves most of the problems I had with KHC worldgen, for instance the lack of decent looking mountains. The lack of oceans is still a problem though. But anyways, it turned out rather satisfactory IMHO. I'll upload the scripts and configs and post the full modlist when I come back from work so you can have a look.
Meanwhile, pure RTG looks like this:
Can I join the server once it's up?
I will be playing once or twice per week, but I want to give GT5U a try. Also I want to see you all, and I have many dad jokes ready -
I'd like to join too.
My point of view on ATG and RTG terrain types:
These look good only with large view distances. On a server where you have view distance 10 max, all you see is a plain or a part of a mountain.
Terrain with cliffs, overhangs and other stuff blocking your view looks good even with smaller view distance, because you don't get that weird "world edge". BoP or Amplified does that pretty well.
ATG/RTG can look good in pictures or SP, not in multiplayer.
I'll be probably underground anyway.
P.S.: Big Trees mod can make terrain look good too. Has to be tweaked a bit though. -
I'd like to join too.
My point of view on ATG and RTG terrain types:
These look good only with large view distances. On a server where you have view distance 10 max, all you see is a plain or a part of a mountain.
Terrain with cliffs, overhangs and other stuff blocking your view looks good even with smaller view distance, because you don't get that weird "world edge". BoP or Amplified does that pretty well.
ATG/RTG can look good in pictures or SP, not in multiplayer.I didn't get your point. On my screenshots, my render distance was 10 or 12 chunks (I don't recall correctly, but I doubt there's HUGE difference between 10 and 12 chunks).
And here you have ATG + EBXL + CC screenshot (in case you want to comapre it to RTG):
Big Trees is something nice though. It seems, it doesn't add any blocks thus should be pretty lightweight.
I'm planning to run some test RTG + EBXL. In case it will be bad, I'll try Big Trees instead.
Edit: render distance was 12 chunks. -
Airam, I am not going to play on Kirara if you keep continuously being an offensive prick. I unignored you on IRC for one minute and of the five things you said, one was a derisive "lol", two were direct insults of me as a person, one was you posting a link to the Wikipedia article for Schizophrenia as a response to a question about terrain generation, and one was a cherrypicked screenshot of botched ATG terrain generation using configs you wrote in an attempt to put RTG on a pedestal.
I want a proper apology and an assurance you will behave like a decent human being once the server launches, otherwise I am not going to waste my time playing on a server where I will be constantly harassed by one of the people responsible for maintaining the pack.
I would suggest to move it somewhere else, but well, if you insist so.
<Nonoriri> Alright, I unignored him
<repo> <Airam>
<Nonoriri> wtf that looks terrible
<Nonoriri> this is supposed to be an IMPROVEMENT?
<Nonoriri> I feel like Airam is actively sabotaging the configs to make ATG look bat
<Nonoriri> bad
<+KiraraR> <OrdoFree> lol
<Nonoriri> If it works don't fucking break it
<Nonoriri> back to the ignore list you go -
< **** snip **** >2. I'm just serving as Arch's representative while he is gone, and can't make a drastic decision like this in his absence without consulting him that would spread out the playerbase in this way from his server.
Lastly, after some experimentation during the weekend we have come up with an CC + ATG + Extra biomes configuration *** snip *** I'll upload the scripts and configs and post the full modlist when I come back from work so you can have a look.
Aloha, my good friend. I really am digging your "Haatim Tai" role. Honestly!
Can I join the server once it's up?
I will be playing once or twice per week, but I want to give GT5U a try. Also I want to see you all, and I have many dad jokes readyAiram , now, now..... You're a very nice person most of the time I've known you, what got into you? Don't go teasing people too much....
Also, yay for EXBL, it was one of my favourite worldgenning mods. Not as OTT as that other one.
surio submerges again....
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to provoke any quarrel. I just wanted to share my thoughts on worldgen - the very basic of stable map.
If those pictures are indeed with 12 render distance, real game might actually look good. Thanks for clarification.I have done zero work for the server itself so I am in no place to judge your careful selection. I just thought it was a valid concern to talk about.
Methes -
Airam , now, now..... You're a very nice person most of the time I've known you, what got into you? Don't go teasing people too much....
Karambola! Suririno, you forgot my IGN!
surio submerges again....
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to provoke any quarrel.
No worries, you didn't.
I have done zero work for the server itself so I am in no place to judge your careful selection. I just thought it was a valid concern to talk about.
Nah, you are the same as everyone on kirara.
I was surprised no one sent you a link for the spreadsheet:…-3PH6zwSK6HXfI/edit#gid=0
Feel free to add your voting colum; even though KR is about to release, your vote might be valuable. -
I only see 2 options about what happened concerning Airam :
Nonotan is too easily offendable (no offense but that happens)
Airam was really mean (and that would surprise me from him)
The only time I got in trouble with Airam was more than a year ago, I was being a silly and annoying kid saying "mining tin o/" or random crap like this all the time. He told me directly he couldn't bear me anymore. I've taken what he told me in account, I grew up and realised he was right from the beginning. And hey, now he's telling me some dad jokes when I hop onto IRC whereas back then he couldn't see my name appear in the chat anymore. What got stuck in my mind afterward was to listen carefully to mean / hateful persons, even strangers. They either have a right reason to hate you and tell you what's wrong, or are just being meaningful for no reason and are not telling you why, hence you have to not care about them. Good thing Airam is the first kind of person. -
Are you kidding me? He parrots the same drivel over and over and refuses to discuss any issues in a civil manner, despite him being the person actually responsible for maintaining significant parts of this modpack. Instead of acting in a professional capacity, he turns every discussion into personal insults and continuously flames me without ever giving a direct answer to any questions I pose. Had he been any other person abusing another player in this manner I'm certain he would have been kicked a long time ago. From what I can tell, Airam is essentially abusing his position as one of the maintainers of the modpack to hold a "holier-than-thou" attitude.
I asked about including TC, and was informed that if I want TC, I will have to tweak it myself. So I went ahead and did it, asking for and implementing feedback from most of the active playerbase that I could easily contact. When Airam wants RTG, he goes balls deep stating RTG is the best thing ever, completely ignores all feedback from every other player pointing out its flaws, and cherry-picks good screenshots to try and propagandize the rest of the ic2 forums into supporting the usage of RTG in this modpack. Most discussions about RTG end up looking like this:
QuoteMe: <point about RTG>
Airam: Look at ishis retardness
Me: You aren't answering the question
Airam: I made KR
Me: Answer my question
Airam: KR is mostly made by me and because you didn't help config RTG your opinion is invalid
Me: That has nothing to do with the point I mentioned, the point is valid concern which will impact gameplay and you are not addressing it
Airam: ATG sucks and is ugly
Me: And RTG doesn't?
Airam: RTG is beautiful, your puny mind cannot possibly comprehend it
Me: Ok then, <point 2>
Airam: Look at ishis retardness
Me: ...How am I supposed to even have any sort of discussion in this sort of hostile environment? Let's list off some of the other bullshit I've had to put up with in the times leading up to KR:
When voting for mods happened, certain mods he liked (like Steve's Carts) got added to the pack immediately without any voting. Despite the fact that had voting happened, they most likely would've failed to make it into the pack per community majority.
On the other hand, when other people try to add mods, he vehemently opposed the votes, going so far as to edit another player's votes and deleting the voting column of active players to try and make it seem like the status quo is in favor of his opinion. When it was clear most people did not mind having thaumcraft, he went ballistic and insisted that if we were to have thaumcraft, then we absolutely must have all the addons as well as TiCo and Blood Magic. Him being the owner of the KR spreadsheet, decided to add a comment to the voting stating "You must vote for at least two addons in this column", with absolutely great balanced choices like TTKAMI, Thaumic Bases, Tainted Magic, etc.
After I put him on ignore list from constantly being bombarded with pings insulting me, he continues to do it on a daily basis every single time I ask something. Had a third party (whom I will not name) not told me about this, I would have never known about this utterly ridiculous, almost sociopathic behavior. Here are two recent examples that I was notified of; there are most likely more, but I was not given the IRC logs for those instances.
At this point, Airam's insistence on using RTG over ATG compounded with RTG's Alpha state and instability has delayed the release of KR by many weeks. It has gotten to a point where KR's release seemed almost improbable.
Quote<Nonoriri> keda is KR going to actually launch in 2015
<Nonoriri> I understand that you are busy but some transparency about what the plan is would be nice
<Nonoriri> at least let us know a rough timeframe of when KR will come out rather than this indefinite waiting on RTG - ever since three versions ago we have continuously been waiting for "the next version of RTG which will fix all the problems" and even after .15 came out this is still the case
<Airambo> I can't handle ishis retardness
<Airambo> unbeliveable
* Airambo is now known as Airam1
<Airam1> I can't handle ishis retardness
<Airam1> unbeliveable
* Airam1 is now known as Airambo
He literally changes his IRC username to try and get around my ignore filter to insult me. Since I had ignored him by hostmask, I didn't actually know about this until it was pointed out.Airambo, being the spreadsheet owner, has taken it upon himself to try and stop TC from being included at all costs.
Quote<Kosyak> So, time to fix first page of spreadsheet then.
<Aristocrat> Kosyak, there are no content changing TC addons
<Kosyak> I can't see green bar in "APPROVAL" column even for TC itself
<Aristocrat> Because Airambo keeps deleting people's votes
<Airambo> another retarded comment
<Airambo> what would you expect from the poorly-minded person? not a big surpriseInsults me for no reason after I state a fact.
You know what? This isn't worth the effort. I've had it with this blatant misuse of power and abuse of the admin's AFKness to be a douchebag.
I have set up a poll on this Thread. Then we will see if people agree to Airam or not. Lets see if we get one of those 140% Results.
I'm getting really tired of this shit.
By the way, the two IRC quotes Nononiri provided are legit, in case anyone thought it was forged evidence.
EDIT : I forgot to mention, Airam's is legit as well. -
Point of no return dated to: [Kirara 3.0] - A series of well-made GT hardmode servers. --- Official Random Thread.
It'll get in the history. More local, but history. -
Comes down to forum to see how KR is coming along
Sees Shitstorm
Why am I surprised.... -
The only time I got in trouble with Airam was more than a year ago, I was being a silly and annoying kid saying "mining tin o/" or random crap like this all the time. He told me directly he couldn't bear me anymore. I've taken what he told me in account, < *** snip *** >And hey, now he's telling me some dad jokes when I hop onto IRC < *** snip *** > They either have a right reason to hate you and tell you what's wrong, or are just being meaningful for no reason and are not telling you why, hence you have to not care about them. Good thing Airam is the first kind of person.-
IIRC, I was the one that had that chat with you sometime last year... (found chat log too... yay)
Display MoreDec 23 18:43:35 <Kirara3> <Nexey_> Surio, tell me when you're back, I really don't see how and why I got you so mad at me Dec 23 18:48:31 <Kirara1> Rokeeey left the game Dec 23 18:58:07 <surio> Did you read my first sentence? Dec 23 18:58:14 <Kirara3> <Nexey_> No Dec 23 18:58:16 <surio> So, first, I find the endless stream of inane chatter both distracting (and consequently annoying). Mostly it is not relevant to any one of us, and just comes across as show-offey... That applies to both you and blub Dec 23 18:58:29 <Kirara3> <Nexey_> Who's blub ? Dec 23 18:58:48 <Kirara3> <Nexey_> Also if I'm being an annoyance about chatting for no reason, it's better to tell me to stfu before Dec 23 18:58:54 <Kirara3> <Nexey_> getting as annoyed as you are Dec 23 18:58:59 <surio> blub is alexthebrain If you were on IRC I would have set /ignore on you but you use ingame chat Dec 23 18:59:20 <surio> I've told you to sftfu before Dec 23 18:59:28 <Kirara3> <Nexey_> When ? Dec 23 18:59:29 <surio> you've brushed it off Dec 23 18:59:34 <Kirara3> <Nexey_> Apparently Dec 23 18:59:58 <surio> Yes. When I said it is annoying, you said "be prepapred for more... I'm going to be online more often" Dec 23 19:00:07 <Kirara3> <Nexey_> Oh that Dec 23 19:00:09 <Kirara3> <Nexey_> I WAS JOKING Dec 23 19:00:16 <Kirara3> <Nexey_> And I thought you were joking too Dec 23 19:00:17 <surio> But I was being serious Dec 23 19:00:24 <Kirara3> <Nexey_> I didn't know you were serious Dec 23 19:00:27 <surio> And I told you a few times Dec 23 19:00:43 <Kirara3> <Nexey_> Than I didn't consider those few times as real warnings Dec 23 19:00:45 <surio> A few times arleady from the same person, and you should take the hint Dec 23 19:00:53 <surio> *already Dec 23 19:01:53 <surio> Next, a certain amount of wise-arsery and smart-arsery and tom-foolery and jackarseisms go with the territory... But you've overstepped on these matters a few times... Dec 23 19:02:07 <surio> Again, both of you... Dec 23 19:02:11 <Kirara3> <Nexey_> Like Dec 23 19:02:12 <Kirara3> <Nexey_> How ? Dec 23 19:02:40 <surio> If it's not pertinent to you, don't butt into other people's conversations... mostly if it doesn't add any "real contribution" Dec 23 19:03:03 <Kirara3> <Nexey_> Okay Dec 23 19:03:06 <Kirara3> <Nexey_> I'm taking note of this one Dec 23 19:04:03 <surio> You do this with everyone... Last time with that Luigi guy as well... He explicitly said "I was not asking you" and you go "Ikr?" and go on and on and on... so, it's not just with me Dec 23 19:04:41 <Kirara3> <Nexey_> Well maybe I do this with everyone, but you're the first one who tells me that this is annoying Dec 23 19:05:07 <Kirara3> <Nexey_> How could I consider changing myself if nobody had the opportunity to *seriously* warn me about Dec 23 19:05:14 <Kirara3> <Nexey_> some points as you're doing now ? Dec 23 19:05:17 <surio> Because, I want to stem this BEFORE it gets out of hand and people eruipt en masse Dec 23 19:05:39 <Kirara3> <Nexey_> So it's not too late to change things Dec 23 19:05:47 <surio> Definitely not too late Dec 23 19:06:06 <surio> And since you hang out with that other kid, point this to him as well Dec 23 19:06:28 <Kirara3> <Nexey_> Be sure I'll point this out to him
- Also, I put that past us a long time ago, and I've been the one who's consistently "dad joking" you for some time now....
Oh, did you know what the mountaineer named his son? (hint: dad joke again)
If you've had those very same convos with spaceman (a.k.a Airambo), well, I'm surprised at the coincidence
Anyhow, I think we're getting too off-topic now, so, I'll stop this here.
Edit: keda, spacey - Thanks both for keeping the flame going for Kirara.
After digging through the log, here's what I suggest (since I sadly have no rights over Kirara, being a npc maker only and stuff) :
- (Re)voting "Thaumcraft or not", "TC addons or not" and "RTG or ATG" on a more trustworthy platform (IC2 forum poll, strawpoll...), since I've seen quite a bit of complaints related to votes being changed to go in someone's favor.
And I insist : Majority wins, no questions asked, like it has always been.
- If most are in favor of TC, keep Nonotan's work so that TC doesn't "break" GT progression as much, if he changes his mind about not playing on KR though.
- Not being too harsh with Keda, who now have to handle everything by himself, and let him work at his pace.
- Airam and Nononiri come to an agreement, offer apologies, whatever that will stop this shitstorm.Meanwhile, I'm officialy putting my NPC Maker job on KHC on hold until Arch comes back, which will probably take a while. And I won't be playing on KR.
Thanks to everyone who enjoyed my work, be it traders, quests, etc. even if I'm not the best scriptwriter you could've had.EDIT : Greg, could you please remove the poll ? Airam doesn't deserve public lynching either.
As long as Airam doesn't make as many penis jokes as BA and I used to, then I guess it's alright.