Posts by IC_Pandemonium

    Lazers and high efficiency solar panels
    and yes it may seem OP but consider it a reward for getting enough spare diamonds to spend on diamonds
    and if yo are going to bother making MV transformers then you are probably going to transmit much further than 16 blocks
    and yes it does seem horribly in effeicent but we keep forgetting the HV storadge and sudden pulse action...
    personally I will have A localized power or B just use MV and glass fibers

    I think bottlenecking is the main problem with other types of transmission. Especially when powering transporters or mass fabricators. However this whole chunk loading business is something thats screwing with my plans for large scale power networks. (essentially a grid with multiple up and downloading points). Anyone know a way around this aside from using MFSUs all over the place? (which would introduce a new bottleneck....)

    I think what people forget is that nuclear power isnt exactly rocket science. You pile a bunch of uranium, pour water over it and voila! The thing that makes it so complicated is making it 99.999999% safe. Thus the material costs for the reactor itself are probably correct as they are, potentially cooling components and other safety equipment could be made more expensive to make it harder to run a safe reactor.

    I'm sure Al is all up for adding superfluous machines. I support the macerator idea, could potentially compress them after into bio-pellets, they are fairly common these days in combi-fuel plants.

    ...oil = bones... + time + pressure + heat. Organic matter like bones (and plants) only really became oil after a very long time with a whole lotta pressure, probably more pressure than a measly Compressor can pull off. We're talking centuries... nay, millenniums of being compressed with literally thousands of tons of pressure. I mean, seriously.

    Running the risk of supporting the opposite side of this argument, BUT... surely that sort of pressure would also be required for making diamonds... :huh:

    If you would use the wiki, you would see the wiki team ;D

    http://wiki.industrial-craft.n…ial-Craft-Wiki:Admin-Team *cough* ^^

    Thanks, I was thinking we could have a sticky post keeping track of quality of articles (subjective, I know, but probably needed). That way somebody that wants to do something (*points frantically at self*) can see fairly easily what pages need more editing. The team seems to be mostly technically focussed rather than content. It's just something I took from the comments that popped up here in the forum and in the wiki that some articles were, while informative, confusing and not very clear.

    Firstly, a big thanks and congratulations to the wiki team, the IC1 documentation was excellent and containted extremely informative articles with a high standard (directly ported MCF HAYO articles non-withstanding). However the new documentation, understandably written in a rush, leaves much to be desired for and I believe that a truly outstanding mod deserves a great wikipedia. Things like " and it got much energy." make my heart bleed.

    Thus my question: is there a standing wikipedia team? How are they organised? Maybe this is a good place to start assigning articles and make sure that the wikipedia is up to par when IC² v1.0 hits the tubes. (Also, it would decrease the load on this forum: a lot more information and troubleshooting could be performed on the wikipedia, listing known bugs, faqs etc. a lot more people are comfortable searching a wikipedia than using the searchbar in a forum it seems)

    Anyway, if all else fails this humble poster merely wishes to state that he'd be willing to punch out a few of the more critical articles in more detail and help the wiki catch up with the glorious development team bringing us such amazing features to document.

    Jup, creating vast cable grids overloads the energy-engine. Because you create BILLIONS of possible path's.
    Should probably mention this in the known bugs.

    maybe create a conductive plating block at some point? All adjacent blocks only conduct electricity to a "node block" that acts like normal wire. I could see some pretty nifty uses for this (massive solar panel arrays).

    Quite honestly, if my house got struck by lightning I'd turn on my screen vid recorder, pop a bottle of beer and watch the sucker burn. A true hommage to the DF origins of the game: losing is fun. After: obvious post on youtube is obvious.

    I'm not sure why everyone keeps on making new threads for radiation, I must've seen at least 5 since this forum started. Searchbar people! Anyway, I don't think its a massively required gameplay element at the moment considering that reactors are precarious enough as they are (when operated efficiently and with decent output). Also, uranium is one of the safest radioactive materials there are considering its extremely long half-life. You can quite easily hold uranium fuel pellets in your hand without any damage. It's the immediate and intermediate fission products that are so dangerous (iodine, caesium etc.). If radioactive waste would be implemented, then radiation might be a pretty good thing to go for.

    Industriator III: Judgement Day? I like it. Could make it another game mode, you have a finite number of minecraft days until the day of reckoning. Then waves of highly advanced robots will start spawning. Only way to kill them is using IC² weaponry (tesla coils, nano sabers, mining lasers, etc.). A bit like a combination of M4D and IC.