Posts by CastielAngelow

    I hope you're right.

    This will be fun playing with new things from mods. Almost every update of mc = new content of new versions of mods.

    This'll be very funny update, beside of Vanilla, Forge side could be great.

    What else was said?

    LexManos: "The plans that I have for non-code related changes in the post 1.7 era will be cool but require a bit of restrcture"

    Chicken_Bones is 16 years old. Kidding -_-

    But, it looks like it take several times before they figure out how new minecraft "working" :D

    1.7.2 RELEASED

    What I saw ingame right now are few problems.
    They say then 1.7.2 have major bugfixes, but probably no that usefull for everyone.

    - WorldGen probably take more time
    - WorldGen make sometime mistakes for Extreme Hills biome and make it "cutted" at 64 y.

    + New WorldGen for enviroment. At Plains not so much grass, shapes are better, colors are good and few other things.

    I have no freakin' idea what's changed. So, wait for ForgeCrafters to craft Forge?

    What you think? How much time it takes, because I suppose then 1.7 will be released few weeks later and beside of it I start DEV my Addon and now they release this -_-

    but, kinda' cool! I like 1.7.2 even if there's useless content which in better versions add other mods. :D

    P.S.: NO SEAS ! :D That's so great :D

    #TinkersConstruct is definitely NOT the place for such discussions after seeing what was spoken there about a week ago and comparing that with how people were kicked left and right last night for doing pretty much nothing against the rules.

    Here's billion another places where talk, isn't?

    And I'm think after final search of all my able options then way is go 50 / 50, but ho do that for everyone be happy, thats right question :)

    Maybe if Greg - Tech add to his oredict names some translator then ObsidianRod means rodObsidian / stickObsidian, it could be great.
    And mDiyo can totally remove forever his code "Peace of Mind" and everyone will be happy. Until Greg have new chances with newer PC,
    simply write at regarding information what Greg - Tech + Tinkers' Construct now do and put it to BOTH main threads.
    TiC at MinecraftForum and GregTech here...

    Everyone will be happy. Greg never touch his mod and mDiyo never again touch gregs mod.
    Who want can use both mods, who won't can use only one of them, or any. This is probably one of most constructive resolve.

    And about ALL other community and their maintance and writing at Reddit + forums + irc's etc.
    Thats pretty big spot STUPIDITY of MODFans, don't stupidity of DEVelopers by self or his mod.

    End of the line. Transmission. end :D

    Galacticraft + Calclavia Mods + IndustrialCraft ? Are you sure you want do that? :D

    But, around that. Maybe try start it on server ;) I have good experience with no saying logs in server help me much more, cause there are better logs and every single things is collected. Even registering oreDict names etc. :)

    Not sure if it really help, but try to remove

    Additional Java Parameters :)) """" JVM Flags: 1 total; -Xmx1G """

    EDIT 2:

    Before all this


    ModAPI - I hope then that "ModAPI" will be created in co - operation with someone from ForgeTeam and REAL developers of mods and some of us, which have pretty long experience with Minecraft mods like IC2 Team, Eloraam(Even she's not able to help with anything cause I heard she end her ForgeDEV part of life), SirSengir etc.

    It could be new start for all developers, if Mojang simply say "Oh, we're wrong. We need to go back, look around and update again, because we screw it up somewhere.
    But it won't shall to happen. Its bad news for me. Content which suppose to be added at 1.7.X is for me totally useless beside of some code changes, which I really can appreciate.
    "Podzol", "Red Sand", "Packed Ice"... I know it's features, but...

    After all that years, ideas and everything I just was hoping they come with something more interesting. Don't just come with re - textured dirt with new name or transparentless ice.
    Amplified world type will be totally DEAD for EBXL, BOP and Highlands... I mean, it isn't neccesary to use Biome mod features, if you use Amplified, cause it screw everything. Every single feel from walking around world and feeling atmosphere from Hills, Swamps... This is bad feature, totally useless...

    They should focus about other things, like tweaking EVERYTHING what isn't done yet. What about instead of "sound features" focus to MULTI - THREADING processes at all.
    Now on 1.5.2 was good mod, which tweak this and separate processes to categories for better improve multi-cores and CPU's.

    They haven't this idea? After years, they haven't...?

    I think lot people would appreciate that. Me surely. I'm like its writen in Java, because learn Java is easier for me and maybe for others too.
    But choosing something like this through knowing then it have heavy fall to performance of PC's, no Mojang, not good enough :D

    So, instead of wasting my own time about coding something, still will prepare works for my Addon and other stuff for Minecraft.

    And prayin', hoping and crossing my fingers then this is LAST wrong step of Mojang...

    Software that deliberately causes other software to crash, is known to the Internet communities as Malware. You programmed the software to crash - therefore it is malware. Most of the community is finished dealing with you and your attacks on normal forge mod operations and conduct - and would be more than happy to replace your mod with something better. Unless you want freedom from getting to participate in the popular center of the community, you should "get your ducks in a row", and stop displaying your messed-up sense of high authority at everyone.

    Protect own work and make things worse is different.

    That's not about steps, its about reason.

    There's NO mod which can replace GT, as far as ProjectRED CANT replace RedPower... If RedPower2 will be released( as it isnt) at least everyone should come back to RP then PR, because its RedPower, and that name by itself mean you should go back. I saw people like you thousand and thousand times. Thinking then their undead faith will be rewarded, then their trut someone ore their opinion will be heard while say it loudly with hate in his voices.

    Here's difference between me and you. I know then doesn't matter what I say. If it's read or not. Because I don't do it for you, or for someone else. I do it for myself. Instead of you, because that, what you do looks like you just want blindly hate something what you can't appreciate. You cant for several reasons. My sight? You want be the one who make something like that.

    So, last thing? You can make EVERY mod over world, but if it'll be something whats here now, it shall to die in pain.

    Like Ars Magica x Thaumcraft. Pretty good mods at all, but Thaumcraft lead, cause he come with this kind of things first, like RedPower come first with Advanced Redstone, like IC2 come forst with Industrial things...

    And, even if here are few people who want to stop Greg, you CAN'T, cause he's part of DEV Team of mod, that'll be EVER in EVERY technical modpack which have some prize :D

    Good, it is about time that we take down Greg's monopoly.
    I predict that in less than a year, there will be another advanced industrial technology mod out there, that doesn't forceably change 90% of the game and "rebalance" almost every other popular mod. Due to almost complete support from the entire world, it will become more advanced than gregtech, reaching and passing Tier 6, while still being reasonably expensive - expensive, not repetitive/boring and expensive.

    Doesn't matter which mod comes... That's NOT about monopoly, or about "Fun Factor"...

    For me personally, is Greg - Tech more then hardng game. Content will come etc. But speaking about something what ISNT ready, or isnt is pretty funny :D

    Like tryings about take down mod, which is already just addon, but have more fans then lot of mods... Together... :D

    Unless you want to toggle it on and off as you wish while ingame, you can turn it off from the config

    B:"Display hud"=false, this is normally set to true, but set to false disables the HUD.

    I want to in-game off / on without reset game. It's pretty simple option. Only toggle it on some button, you know. Cause it make mess with Thaumcraft 4 Wand HUD or even with others and put it to another corner is impossible, cause I dont like switching my eyes over all screen and looking for Energy % :D

    I think you need more then EnergySink... Add max aceptable EU, storage EU(little because every machine have internal buffer for storing energy in graphic way at that "red strike" :D)
    Well, API explain it very good and precisely. Everything is commented.

    I mean something like that what i found :))

    public boolean acceptsEnergyFrom(TileEntity emitter,
    ForgeDirection direction) {

    return false;

    public double demandedEnergyUnits() {

    return 0;

    public double injectEnergyUnits(ForgeDirection directionFrom, double amount) {

    return 0;

    public int getMaxSafeInput() {

    return 0;

    Senti, maybe if it's possible and will be time, you can add option at keyconfig for toggle off / on showing GraviStatus of energy.
    And another little bit designer. your add recipe for double stone slab. Change it you dont recieve 43 but 43:7 which is all side full texture off top stone slab, if you know.
    It would be awesome.

    First, sorry if i just write again some suggestions if are already writed by others. I can't read every single post. Sorry! :)

    - Custom food created in Packager with Plastic and laterly warmed in Microwave Oven for eat only(as you want to add). Abilities of this can be some potion effects like speed, regen etc.
    - Tomatoes, Fries & Ketchup, Ketchup, Fries, Salad, Salt, Pepper, Donut's, Sacher, Chocolate...

    - Database of blocks in MC where every blocks will be creaated from some atoms or chemicals.
    - Combining Chemics & Physical things.
    - Add Chemic to Greg - Tech. H2SO4 and other things with abilities. (It's there, but haven't lot uses :) )
    - Add "Greg's Scientist Suit" which can looks like suits for Scientist in Chemical Labs. All white, glass on face... You know ;)

    - Ability to research things based by atomic science. Combining MC stuff for creating another.

    Particle Accelerator
    - Circle Accelerator. Little bit bigger then Fusion Reactor, much more expensive.
    - New blocks for that.

    Chemical Reactor ( Multi - block machine )
    - Have ability to combine 2 very expensive emelents for creating another.

    Elements & Particles, "things" etc.
    - Deuterium
    - Tritium
    - Foton
    - Pozitron
    - Antiproton
    - Radiowaves
    - Gama radiation
    - UV radiation
    - Nucleon
    - Graviton
    - Higgs Bosson
    - QED ( Quantum Electro - Dynamics)
    - Fog Chamber
    - Vacuum

    - Magnet
    - Magnetic Shield
    - Computer Shield
    - Advanced Data Cable
    - Data Storage
    - HDD's
    - Processors
    - Atomic Computer
    - Cosmic Radiation
    - Plasma ( more mechanics of that )
    - RTG Radiation
    - Superheavy Water ( Reactor things )
    - Advanced Reactor ( Multiblock looking like that in real - For this that Superheavy water )
    - More Radioactive Isotops
    - When you come closer to radiactive ore, you can recieved negative effects like Blindness, Nausea etc. and standing a longer time without protect, that should kill you or decrease for long, really long time your HP amount. 20 > 15.
    - Iodine
    - Radon, Xenon, Krypton, Argon, Neon
    - Neon for use in lamps etc.
    - Separate Uranium to 2 types: U235;U238
    - Add 4 lines of depleting
    Uran line: U238 > Pb206
    Aktinuran: U235 > Pb207
    Thorium: Thorium232 > 208Pb
    Neptunium: Np237 > Thallium205

    Antimatter concept
    - Created in Particle Accelerator
    - Need to be stored in special barrels filled with Vacuum, because collision Matter and Anit-matter should cause to explosion.

    Gravel, Sand and Clay are realistic for that, but they are extremly easy to get, unless you are new on a 1.6 Server, where people have already stolen all the Clay 2km around Spawn.

    All Trees are falling, but they dont usually fall cut into pieces of 1m³. You would have to chop the Tree laying on the ground to actually get the Logs.

    You are right. Better to chop it for falling down. But, it can be more laggy. And it even for normal trees. I'm like i can handle 60 mods on my PC :D

    And, if your read this. You can make something like... (IDK how it say in EN :D :D).. That high industrial Furnace which have higher temperature then normal, because there is slug or how call it and make for that some abilities like for making Bronze at start of game or something based by that. I just want another GIANT structure like Fusin Reactor, but to Height, no Width :D

    Also, as I see what you want to add, I'm TOTALLY impressed. I can't wait for anti Matter, dimension, mobs. Well, have few expanding ideas for that, so, write it in proper category as soon as I'll be able to configure exactly that, what i want to tell. No like now... Writing non - usable words :D

    Yeah, but what I said is that I hate thing generating ressources without you doing anything, aka Quarries (miner doesn't count as it need to be dismantled so often that it's almost not worth mining by hand ^^), Bees (once you get a proper automated system and once you breeded them all), Forestry Farms ... apart from that are also things I find UNbalanced compared to some other mods (as an example, ExtraBees&Trees isn't OP to me, but ruin my fun because it keep generating stuff without your intervention, while Myscraft, Forestry, TiC or CC are OP because they provide solution that are way cheaper than other the way you have with other mods, and so make them useless (which is sad when I prefer the other mod ^^): Enchants from TiC, Forestry way of making energy that is clearly OP, CC turtles ...)

    But the Gravel/Clay thingy for the smeltery is cool. I wish GT had a bloomery made with similar materials which you would need to smelt any Metal at the beggining :D (Or at least Iron, because I can assume Copper and Tin can be smelted in the basic furnace).

    Yep, almost agree. :)

    Greg - Tech should make something really cool for smelting.
    I have some suggestions about it, so, write it in proper category :D

    What's wrong eith TiC?

    1) You need to collect bunch of Gravel, Sand and Clay for making smeltery. Without it, you aren't enable to make cool things.
    2) I Agree, it need to be re - maked way how recieve enchants. But, even with it, you need 450 lapis lazuli for making Fortune III and Lapis Lazuli is rared then just Coal or Iron. Maybe could help if Mojang make ores generated even in some biomes.

    I using TiC only for Hammers, Excavators and because it have Lumber Axe. TreeCapitator and things like that can look OP, but... Sorry, if you chop down tree in real, all tree go down ;) :D