Posts by alexthesax

    Yeah those are AND gates, and I was too lazy to save gates, I had them wired individually with their own levers first, then I swapped for the alloy wire up top. Plus I like knowing that each is always at 100% capacity. (Started making matter for quantum suits with a MISEL Mk 2, I love that thing!)

    I made a nice High-Y Flushing mobtrap based on Kiershar's design. I was easily able to get enough ender pearls to go to the end after killing all the endermen that had teleported onto the roof of the trap. Plus I made it switchable between an XP-farm (which also drops rare drops) and just regular grinder. Gives me ridiculous amounts of everything I need.

    Day: 32
    Location: Small underground bunker




    Feel free to teleport over, there is a slight possibility that this location could be compromised, but it has to be done. As an added prevention, I have installed tesla coils around the teleporter pad that can be activated by a special lever I rigged, so after you come through, you can shut it down real quick and activate the teslas if any spambots follow you in. They are fully charged, and have plenty of power being routed from my reactor. I look forward to working with you, I hope we can turn this war around.


    Day 20:






    Good to hear a familiar voice. I think this relay will provide a stable, yet secure connection for us. It must have been too far a distance or too much interference with my receiver set. I think I might be able to dust off that old teleporter pad in the corner. Cranking up the reactor to max! SUCCESS! It's running on Channel 9001. You should be able to tune your frequency transmitter to that. I only wish I could help more.


    Day 17: Somewhere in a small underground bunker.


    Did I FINALLY get this transmitter working?!?! I've been trying ever since this all started. Thankfully I had already built an underground bunker with a small nuclear reactor to run my computers. I've got enough power to run for quite a while, and also have enough food. I can't go outside, far too much radiation from nuclear explosions and remaining spambots. In any case, did I hear word of the IC2 source being saved? I can offer my services to write/rewrite portions of it, perhaps using it as a weapon against the bots. Let me know if I can be of any assistance, until then I will remain hidden here.


    Ah yes, I do remember the good old days. People complain about how hard it is to mod, and yet, once you have a jar setup, for the most part all you have to do is drag and drop into the mods folder, and depending on what mods, mess with some configs, but that's usually one time only. I remember when you had to put EVERYTHING in the jar, yes the days Alblaka talked about. Oh yes, they complain so much, but it really is a walk in the park compared to what it was. Though I still have friends that rely on me to mod for them.

    I will probably have time myself, as well ^^ Though IC isn't "much more" then a simple Forge-user. As long as they listen to MCF, everything is already said ^^'

    Alright, well unless you uber want me to attend, I probably wont. I honestly doubt anything productive or useful ever comes out as a vanilla API, long live Forge! I somehow doubt they would appreciate all of my sny comments directed to humiliate them anyway ;)

    Not that I actively code on IC2 at the moment, or have kept up on what forge and modloader and everyone is doing 100% but I guess that timeframe would probably be open for me, if none of the other devs want to :P

    We'll we have another spam bot, but it would seem this is specialized for love....

    This is the email I got today.

    Dear alexthesax,

    binue22 has sent the following message from IC/MeC/M4D Forum (
    Hi,Good Day!!!!!!
    My name is Binue, I saw your profile today at ( and was moved and become interested in you, I will like you to send me an email to my address ( so that i can give you my pictures for you to know whom i am.

    I believed we can move from here? Remember colour or distance does not matter but LOVE matters allot in life). Reply me back with my email address ( hope to hear from you soon
    yours Binue!!

    your Support-Team

    We'll all I can say is, Digital A Love Story Much?

    All I can say is wow. How mislead have you been to think that EVERYONE who plays IC2 has made an account on the forums? If anyone is blind or illogical it is you! By removing a mod from said modpack, would hardly influence the amount of people that play said mod, because those who want to play it and are intelligent enough to install it, will. If they aren't then they need to do something other than waste good peoples time with "Tis mod dont wrk and suxz ballzz!!!!!!" And another thing, who ever said that we care if the mod is popular. Granted I haven't worked on/played IC recently, but when I did, I really didn't care what people thought of it, I just liked working on it. And why the heck is a modpack needed for a single mod!?!?!?! Modpack == multiple mods, oh and i found this hilarious...

    it would provide more users, faster. That means more donations, more revenue from adsense, more discussion, more bug reports, et cetera. All the stuff that makes life worth living.

    1. It would slow dev down a bit having to throw it into launcher/whatever, not much but work mentioning
    2. $ doesn't make us work
    3. More discussion for you means more nubs that don't know crap
    4. More bug reports, I think we have enough
    5. Life worth living, if you need minecraft to live, you are a sad sad little man

    P.S. I would like to apologize to the local Certified Asshole (TradeMark pending) for taking his job, but it needed done ;)

    EDIT: Format/Spelling