Posts by alexthesax

    first: I know there's this old thread and system but that one never worked right for me and also required 3 MFSU's. Given i'm a more than a bit starved for diamond this isn't exactly an option.
    I do have one MFSU already and I was wondering if there was a clean and easy way to have "spare" power go to a Mass Fabricator. Right now my system is a bit of a mess and can't handle a massive power dump from the MFSU. (like say... recharging q-suit stuff)
    I've been trying to come up with something for a while now and drawing a big blank (having a derp moment.. gimme a break) and was wondering if anyone had any insights?
    Right now I just have one energy source but i'd like to eventually add at least one more. (nuclear! make stuff glow! :) ) Assume power comes in as HV (via a wind farm, EV packets and a HV transformer)
    Ideally it involves a MFSU that feeds all my gear but i'm open to suggestions here. I could probably scrape together enough diamond to build another MFSU if needed.

    In the next release storage blocks emit redstone power, which with a bit of wiring could be used on a splitter cable to allow excess power to be directed to a mass fab.

    This I want to see. I've always built (more or less) BC-only factories, and the one result I found that had actual crafting was EPIC (though quite complicated).

    Yeah, they take alot of work, but well worth it imo. I've just built a hidden cactus farm, atm it just empties into lava to prevent overflow, but its one more thing off of the list.

    As for the energy meter, I made a working prototype, it uses v1.45 (Beta) because in that version, storage blocks emit redstone when full. Here are the pics, the logic is described in the descriptions...
    Click here to see energy meter pictures

    EDIT: Alright got some pics of the cactus farm, I'm trying out a new layout, tell me what you think.
    Cactus farm is the last 4 pictures

    That is awesome, sure makes my attempts look pathetic. :D

    I really should look into this redpower thing ..

    I wouldn't want to even attempt this without RedPower, you can see all of the wiring it took to make the display and shutoff happen...
    Thanks, and I'll bet if you looked into RP, then you could make your attempts a lot better.

    What do you plan on using for the auto-warehouse, RP2 or Logistics Pipes?

    Really looking forward to seeing how this works out. Specifically the energy meter part, as well as the shipping part (as either a rail or pipe system would get really complicated to use, and more complicated to implement). On the implement part, I think BC is eventually going to have that covered...

    The warehouse will probably be logistics pipe when it goes to 3.x.x branch for BC. As for auto factory, probably the smarter RP tubes, makes factories so much easier, though they are not CPU friendly. My computer can handle it fine, but I'm thinking of when I distribute this world. The energy meter I already have an idea on, as in the next release storage blocks (Batbox, MFE, MFSU) will all emit redstone when they are full, rather than have redstone input. Gimme a few minutes and I'll see if I can get a screenshot of my idea...

    The rail and/or pipe system will be very complicated, but what I imagine for that is every house is given a unique identifier based on its location, represented in binary, where every bit is a different level of intersections, if that bit is 0 (off) then go one way, if it's 1 (on) then go the other way. Yeah, I saw the preview for 3.1.0, looks awesome! Oh, I'm also running Railcraft, so that will help...

    Well under inspiration from DanielPSp from this thread I have decided to build my own power plant. Due to my current internet state (satilite internet) I can't do SMP, so this is SSP. Also I would like to point out that I have used NEI's (aka TMI except better) as if I were to do this legitly it would take forever, and I didn't want to spend that much time doing it. I have also used WorldEdit for large walls and clearing areas.

    Alright now that's done with we get to the pictures...

    All of the pictures are here, I organized them in somewhat of a logical order.

    Let me know what you think, currently my plans are...

    1. Make a cactus farm and use the cactus in fermentors, and produce biofuel, which can either be used in BC engines, or in a biogenerator for more power.
    2. Make a lava gen bank, preferably storing lava in tanks, extracted by buckets so no tin is consumed.
    3. Make a regular gen bank, running on whatever you feed it
    4. Forestry farms of all kinds
    5. Auto warehouse for storing everything
    6. Cobblestone generator
    7. Auto factory for processing anything
    8. Finish Control room
    9. Finish entire building
    10. Build a town around it, with energy meters, and ability to ship fuel to houses via railcraft or pipes

    That list is in no particular order necessarily.

    Any ideas/designs you want to share, feel free. Any critic would be appreciated.

    Oh, the display for reactors works like this...

    Green = Producing power
    Yellow = Shut off, but ready to run
    Red = Not running, needs refilled

    Have fun guys :)

    Alright, updated OP, v1.45 this time, just a few different tweaks as Player said, changelog is there. As for sharing around the beta release, I'm not sure, personally I don't see a huge problem with it, but then again, I'm not the guy who makes those decisions, oh Alblaka :P

    before releasing this or a new public version make sure u fix the lap pack dissapearing when u run out of energy

    Well, I died before an empty lap pack would disappear, and I checked the code (its the same for the bat pack and the lap pack) and its fine, it renders 0 damage to either one. I will need step by step to reproduce if you want this fixed.

    Are these numbers unique to a reactor or unique to individual cells?

    Basically, it takes random numbers from the world, if I remember right, so basically even identical worlds will experience a small level of difference, just as for instance when exactly windmills or solars update their production, it happens at set intervals, but to spread the load on the CPU out, they are all start on different ticks, which is based off of random numbers.