My argument is my nerfing tool ;P Which makes, again, project E the last end game tier, after NEUTRONIUM, is argument enough ? So by the time you get there, you will probably have a near infinite amount of everything before starting it ;P
Posts by Mine_Sasha
Yeah, I still remember that xD
./ban SpwnX for having suggested weather related stuff ( joke ),
also, since a lot of things that previously have been banned from IC2 are now in there, can you please re-do the rules concerning them ?
Also, by passively requiring UUm, you mean once you can't supply it anymore, the biome reverts back to normal except for blocks ?
Also, I suggest you adding Project E, but with my tweaks, I can send you the link to my tweaks, basically, it makes project E the END GAME, requiring you having latest IC2 and GT technology ( uu matter, iridium reinforced plates, neutronium... ) to create a catalyser which can be used to create alchemical diamonds ( 1 diamond + 1 nether star ) that replaces all the diamonds in the mod, and blocks of diamonds
It cannot be rebalanced further xD It will already endgame with all the stuff you want once you have Project E available in the tech tree
I saw that, but, I mean, Minecraft ?
Nope still goes BOOOOOOOOOOM, also Choco, what is wrong with the train ?
@BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM : Yeah I understood that, but I prefer doom
@5m0k3w33d3v3ryd4y : xD, wait, it really kills you, wut ?
@Horse armor : O.o'' -
@Aroma : Shouldn't it be Nyan cat of doom no ?
It might be a while, but I wanted to thank you for mentioning me in texture credits
+ the lappack function can be remplaced by the charging ( aroma like ) batteries in your inventory
Chocohead : First : everything is placeable in world
Second : The upside down buckets are for fluids that are lighter than air like steam or energized glowstone
I should have corrected myself, the textures are not final FOR IC2 classic, as the mod will be separated in 2 versions for both IC2 respectively, the IC2 experimental version ( the current one you see here, will also be the standalone version which will be able to work without IC2 but I will explain how it will work later, it's a bit complex, and yes blasphemy, don't blame me, as classic might take a bit more time ) have almost all textures done although I agree half of them they don't look like very experimentalish and if you really want, I can rework on them as it's not me who made those.
I will mainly work on IC2 classic version textures
Tech Reborn team : Modmuss50, Gigabit101, Tntrololol, Joflashstudios, Mattabase, Johnodagiant, Mine_Sasha ( sorta, MIA )
For more informations and downloads, go here :
Some features, hope you like it
Meh, another CoFH mod to make something else irrelevant. Doesn't even use FMP covers, yet they were the ones pushing for everyone to use them when they were first released.
Well still it looks awsome, although I agree on the whole hype nonsense about FMP