Sorry for my idiocy. I thought that I must have closed it without actually posting the topic...... I appear to have trolled myself.
Posts by NuclearStudent
Cool! So you haven't done anything in TC, or you are ready to show us? Do you have a Q room yet? You house looks so retro and modernistic at the same time, it's cool! A modern layout, but the sandstone has a sharp contrast.
Sorry, couldn't resist the title. Anyway, I suggest being able to change the mode of the nanosaber to a shock mode. It would only be 1 and a half hearts of damage, but have massive knockback and set things on fire. It would have the same EU consumption.
Shouldn't cost that much, for a lava bucket. UU matter is a bit much. Just lava bucket+ some re iron is good enough.
What I'm imagining....: Whoosh! Steve creeps up to the deadly armed testificate evil fortress. He deactivates the tesla coils,and sneaks in. He vaporizes the sentries, and walks past. He breaks into the scientists inner sanctum and puts his mining laser to his head. "Give me the blueprints, and nobody gets hurt. Don't you even think about calling for help". The scientist shakingly hands over the blueprints, and Steve knocks him out and gags him. Suddenly, his cover is blown. Luminators shine, and Steve makes a last-ditch run for it. Laser fire tearing blocks right above Steve's head, Steve leaps over the cruel construction foam and escapes with his prize.
HMASUDS HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA- The insanity of me when I get stuck in eternity because it ran out of power half-way through.
/on topic I believe that teleporters are enough for transportation needs. -
1. Punch some wood.
2. Mine. For a LONG time.
3. Come out.
4. Punch a random tinkling flying EXP orb.
5. Realize that it's a Thaumcraft wisp, which is now pissed and shooting lightning at you.
6. Sprint like hell.
7. Get lost
8. Die with great horribleness.
9. Spend ages tracking down the site of my death.
10. Discover that all of items have despawned.
11. Ragequit
12. Repeat. -
Hey, why not?
Actually... I'd like that too.. teach players that it's NOT a good idea to go ahead and feed tons of energy into one place, when you know you have to move it later..
Hell, there's a charging bench addon for a reason... use it if you have to rotate power around like that all the time...
I support!
Hem, hem. Finding dungeons will feel so GLORIOUS when loot those sweet chest. AWW YEAH! *gamerpoop moist towelettes*
DUST NEWS LIVE: The famed iridium astroids have been found to carry a hostile life form, now nicknamed "endermen" , storming all who attempt to approach.
Screw, I'll use TC or EE. It'll be worth the cost in blood/diamonds.
Words of wisdom from fenixR!
(Well, i guess there's a first time for everything! )
jk, fenix is one of our best guys, even if he is an a-holeTrue, some for our resident certified asshole! Redpower is going to be more power intensive soon, so I'm stocking up on Redpower solar panels, just in case.
the game crashes when ever i place the missile defense block
but you guys forgot that he's maybe just a spy.... and he will turn red any second now... any second now... :evil:
What? It was obvious! HE'S THE RED SPY!
I made this design. http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…vfa5y17gmeakb3ifvn6idvadc
Runs one cycle, and below I did the same design with more chambers.
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…jx67vlrab0h0vlt0fmbr0q5og -
.... Not sure about nchantment...
That could actually be a defense system!